Medical Stores Organisation
    Notice: Procurement Cycle (FN-2024 - 2025/21) for online Indents is open from 13-Jan-2025   till   27-Jan-2025 . For any queries and assistance contact MSO .011-26101268 or email- mso-mohfw[AT]nic[DOT]in


Medical Stores Organisation is a century old organisation. Originally, it was created primarily to meet the need of Medical Stores of the troops and Military based Hospitals and to hold reserves in the event of hostilities with other countries. In 1942, the Army authorities established their own depot and the existing depot came under civil administration of the Central Government. The Medical Stores Organisation of the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare consists of seven Medical Store Depots located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Karnal and New Delhi. The Depots at Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata have Quality Control Laboratories attached to them for quality assurance before acceptance.
Additional Director General(Stores) is the Head of MSO and reports to Directorate General of Health Services who is supported by two Assistant Director General(ADGs)/3 Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG), Deputy Director Administration (DDA), Deputy Director(Accounts) or any other officers assigned the job by the competent authority.


S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found






Active Rate Contract





The Medical Store Depots were originally established in different parts of the country under the Medical Stores Organization primarily to meet the needs of army units in respect of medicines, surgical equipments and other medical supplies. Subsequently, the services of the depots were made available to civil institutions also. In 1942, the army established its own separate depots and the parent Medical Stores Organisation was transferred to the control of the then Department of Education, Health and Lands(now the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare). Since then the Medical Stores Organisation has been functioning as a subordinate office of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and is being administered through the Directorate General of Health Services.


At present the Medical Stores Organisation consist of 7 Government Medical Store Depots, located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Karnal and New Delhi. The depots at Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai have Chemical Testing Laboratories attached to them to ensure quality of drugs purchased from the firms.

Each Government Medical Store Depot is headed by a Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) (Stores). He is the Principal Executive Officer of the Depot and is responsible to the Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi through MSO (HQ) at New Delhi for efficient administration of the Depot as a whole. GMSDs consist of three key divisions which are the Office Division, Stores Division and Accounts Division.

The Stores Division and the Accounts Division are headed by a Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The Office Division is directly under the charge of DADG whereas in the Store Division and Accounts Division, the direct responsibility for the efficient working of each Division is bestowed upon the Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The DADGs attend to all matters involving Policy, Procedure, Planning and Development apart from his duties as the head of institution. The Depot Manager is assisted in his work by the Assistant Depot Managers and other supporting staff. Individual Store Sections are headed by a Depot Superintendent.

Additional Director General (Stores) is the Head of MSO and reports to Directorate General of Health Services who is supported by two Assistant Director General(ADGs)/ 3 Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) , Deputy Director Administration (DDA), Deputy Director (Accounts) or any other officers assigned the job by the competent authority.

mumbai map

Govt. Medical Store Depot,Post Box No. 4514, Mumbai central,MUMBAI PIN : 400008

Phone : 02223078364
Fax : 02223074617
Email : gmsdmumbai-mohfw[AT]nic[DOT]in


Govt. Medical Store Depot, Behind E.S.I. Hospital, S.R. Nagar Post, HYDERABAD. PIN : 500038

Phone : 04023706430
Fax : 04023702355
Email : gmsdhyd38[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Chennai map

Government Medical Store Depot, 37, Naval Hospital Road, Periamet, Chennai 600003 PIN : 600003

Phone : 04425612922
Fax : 04425611459
Email : gmsdchennai3[AT]gmail[DOT]com


Govt. Medical StoreDepot, A.K. Azad Road,Gopinath Nagar,GUWAHATI PIN : 781016

Phone : 03612471214
Fax : 03612471214
Email : gh75108[AT]bsnl[DOT]in


Govt. Medical Store Depot, 9, Clyde Row, Hastings, KOLKATA PIN : 700022

Phone : 03322233593
Fax : 03322230838
Email : gmsdkol[AT]yahoo[DOT]com

New Delhi map

Govt. Medical Store Depot,C-4, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 PIN : 110016

Phone : 01146064184
Fax : 01141024369
Email : gmsddelhi-mohfw[AT]nic[DOT]in


Govt. of India, Govt. Medical Store Depot, Post Box No. 8, KARNAL PIN : 132001

Phone : 01842250233
Fax : 01842252328
Email : gmsdkarnal[AT]gmail[DOT]com


S. No. Ref.No. Description Store Name Cp Link Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
1. PS/2/Tender-03/Annual Transport Contract/2021-2022 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of consignments to various destinations on door delivery basis for a period of one year from Govt. Medical Store Depot, Karnal GMSD Karnal Link Others 08-Nov-2021
2. PS/2/Tender-04/Insurance of Store/2021-2022 The Insurance Policy of Medical goods stored in Godowns for a period of one year. GMSD Karnal Link Others 08-Nov-2021
3. PS/2/Tender-07/Marine Cargo Insurance Policy/21-22 Online bids are invited from General Insurance Companies, following the rules of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) for purchase of Open Marine Cargo Insurance Policy for transportation of Medical goods for a period of one year. GMSD Karnal Link Drug 29-Dec-2021
4. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2021-22/01 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 13-Sep-2021
5. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2021-22/01 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 13-Sep-2021
6. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/02 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization, DGHS invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine for the quantities indicated in chapter Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 22-Apr-2022
7. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/03 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization, DGHS invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent or Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine for the quantities indicated in Chapter Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 22-Apr-2022
8. PS/2/RE/Gr A/165/2020-21/01 Tender for Supply of 165 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 21-Oct-2020
9. PS/2/RE/Gr B/148/2020-21/02 Tender for for Supply of 148 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 21-Oct-2020
10. PS/2/RE/Gr A/77/2020-21/03 Tender for Supply of 77 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 30-Dec-2020
11. PS/2/RE/Gr B/112/2020-21/04 Tender for Supply of 113 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 30-Dec-2020
12. PS/2/RE/Patent/2020-21/05 Rate Enquiry for Supply of Patent Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 17-Dec-2020
13. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2021/2020-21/06 Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 19-Jan-2021
14. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2021/2020-21/07 Bids for Supply of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 19-Jan-2021
15. PS/2/RE/Gr A/130/2020-21/08 Tender for Supply of 130 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Apr-2021
16. PS/2/RE/Gr B/160/2020-21/09 Tender for Supply of 160 Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Apr-2021
17. PS/2/Tender-03/Cold Godowns/2020-2021 Online bids for hiring of accommodation/godown GMSD Karnal Link Others 29-Mar-2021
18. GMSDCH/010/ET/G-RE/GenericB/03 Rate Contract for Supply of Generic Drugs (Group B) GMSD Chennai Link Drug 17-Aug-2021
19. PS/2/Tender-01/Annual Transport Contract/2020-2021 Rate Contract for Transportation of Vaccines/Medicines/Medical stores/ Other Medical Equipments GMSD Karnal Link Drug 30-Mar-2021
20. GMSDCH/010/ET/G-RE/GenericA/02 Rate Contract for Supply of Generic Drugs (Group A) GMSD Chennai Link Drug 17-Aug-2021
21. PS/2/Tender-01/Annual Transport Contract/2020-2021 Rate Contract for Transportation of Vaccines/Medicines/Medical stores/ Other Medical Equipments GMSD Karnal Link Others 30-Mar-2021
22. GMSDCH/010/ET/G-RE/Insulin/01 Rate Contract for Supply of Generic Drugs(INSULIN) GMSD Chennai Link Drug 17-Aug-2021
23. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/04 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi , Medical Store Organization, DGHS, invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine through the e-procurement portal for the quantities indicated in the Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 26-Apr-2022
24. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/05 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi , Medical Store Organization, DGHS, invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent or Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine through the e-procurement portal for the quantities indicated in the Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 26-Apr-2022
25. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/05 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization DGHS invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent/Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine through e procurement portal for the quantities indicated in Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 26-Apr-2022
26. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2022/2021-22/04 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization DGHS invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine through e-procurement portal for the quantities indicated in Schedule of Requirements of the bid document. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 26-Apr-2022
27. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2023/2022-23/03 Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine A C Y and W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) for Haj Session-2023. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Mar-2023
28. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2023/2022-23/04 Supply of Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent/Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine(SIV) for Haj session 2023. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Mar-2023
29. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2023/2022-23/03 Tender for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine A C Y and W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) for Haj Session-2023. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Mar-2023
30. GEM/2023/B/3075459 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines / Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 20-Feb-2023
31. GEM/2023/B/3074540 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 20-Feb-2023
32. GEM/2023/B/3062958 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 13-Feb-2023
33. GEM/2023/B/3062958 Custom Bid for Annual Rate Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 13-Feb-2023
34. GEM/2023/B/3074540 Custom Bid for Annual RateContract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 20-Feb-2023
35. GEM/2023/B/3075459 Custom Bid for Annual Rate Contract for Transportation of Medicines / Medical Equipment to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 20-Feb-2023
36. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2023/2022-23/04 Tender for Supply of Quadrivalent/Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine(SIV) for Haj session 2023. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 15-Mar-2023
37. PS/2/RE/Gr A/102/2022-23/01 Tender No. PS/2/RE/Gr A/102/2022-23/01 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 738512 _1 ) for Supply of Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 03-Apr-2023
38. PS/2/RE/Gr B/176/2022-23/02 Tender No. PS/2/RE/Gr B/176/2022-23/02 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 738514 _1 ) for Supply of Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 03-Apr-2023
39. Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr B/Miltefosine/2022-23/05 Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr B/Miltefosine/2022-23/05 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 744594 _1 ) for the Price agreement for Supply of Miltefosine Capsules for use under Kala-azar elimination programme. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 12-Apr-2023
40. PS/2/RE/Gr A/87/2022-23/06 Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr A/87/2022-23/06 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 744585_1 ) for Supply of Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 12-Apr-2023
41. Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr B/92/2022-23/07 Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr B/92/2022-23/07 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 744590_1) for Supply of Generic Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 12-Apr-2023
42. Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr A/Patent/10/2022-23/08 Tender No.PS/2/RE/Gr A/Patent/10/2022-23/08 (bearing Tender ID: 2023_DGHS_ 744592_1 ) for Supply of Patent Drugs for a period of two years from the date of conclusion of Rate contract. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 12-Apr-2023
43. GEM/2023/B/3278399 Rate Contract for Transportation of Vaccines to various destinations from GMSD-Karnal for a Period of one Year through road transport vehicles GMSD Karnal Link Others 07-Apr-2023
44. PS/2/SIV/Haj Session 2024/2023-24/02 Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent/Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine(SIV) GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 29-Feb-2024
45. GEM/2023/B/3276644 Rate Contract for Transportation of Vaccines to various destinations from GMSD-Karnal for a Period of one Year through road transport vehicles. GMSD Karnal Link Others 06-Apr-2023
46. PS/04/RE/AMC/Generator/2023-24/355-A The Online open tender is invited by the GMSD, Mumbai from the eligible bidder for Annual Service/Maintenance contract for Generators/D.G. Sets, Total No. 5 whose capacity is 15 KVA for WIC/WIF(comprehensive) for the year 2023-2024. GMSD Mumbai Link Others 12-May-2023
47. GEM/2023/B/3545818 Custom Bid for Services - rate for transportation of medicine and vaccine through all truck from GMSD Mumbai GMSD Mumbai Link Others 10-Jul-2023
48. GEM/2023/B/3545818 Custom Bid for Services - rate for transportation of medicine and vaccine through all truck from GMSD Mumbai GMSD Mumbai Link Others 10-Jul-2023
49. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2024/2023-24/01 Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (QMMV) A+C+Y+W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 29-Feb-2024
50. PS/2/Tender-03/Cold Godowns/2023-2024 To invite Online bids for hiring of Cold godowns dry, free from dust, moisture, insects & rodents for storing of Vaccines on monthly rent basis initially for a period of 2 years. GMSD Karnal Link Others 31-Aug-2023
51. PS/2/QMMV/Haj Session 2024/2023-24/01 Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (QMMV) A+C+Y+W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 29-Feb-2024
52. GEM/2023/B/3276644 Rate Contract for Transportation of Vaccines to various destinations from GMSD-Karnal for a Period of one Year through road transport vehicles. GMSD Karnal Link Others 06-Apr-2023
53. PS/2/Tender-03/Cold Godowns/2023-2024 To invite Online bids for hiring of Cold go-downs dry, free from dust, moisture, insects & rodents for storing of Vaccines on monthly rent basis initially for a period of 2 years. GMSD Karnal Link Others 31-Aug-2023
54. PS/2/Tender-03/Cold Godowns/2023-2024 To invite Online bids for hiring of Cold godowns dry, free from dust, moisture, insects & rodents for storing of Vaccines on monthly rent basis initially for a period of 2 years. GMSD Karnal Link Others 31-Aug-2023
55. PS/2/Tender-04/Dry Ice/2023-2024 Custom Bid for Services - Annual Rate Contract for purchase of Dry Ice. GMSD Karnal Link Others 14-Sep-2023
56. GEM/2023/B/4166603 Annual Service/Maintenance Contract for repairing and servicing of elevator lift Goods (comprehensive) for the year 2023-2024. GMSD Mumbai Link Others 13-Nov-2023
57. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2023-24/03 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipments to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 18-Apr-2024
58. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2023-24/03 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipments to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, New Delhi GMSD New Delhi Link Others 18-Apr-2024
59. GEM/2024/B/4827167 Custom Bid for Transportation of vaccine through Refrigerated vehicles GMSD Karnal Link Others 22-Apr-2024
60. GEM/2024/B/4829605 Custom Bid for Transportation of vaccine through Refrigerated vehicles. GMSD Karnal Link Others 23-Apr-2024
61. GEM/2024/B/4832388 Custom bid for Transportation of vaccine through Refrigerated vehicles to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, Karnal GMSD Karnal Link Others 23-Apr-2024
62. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2024-25/01 Annual Transport Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Medical Equipments to various destinations from Govt. Medical Store Depot, new Delhi. GMSD New Delhi Link Others 29-Apr-2024
63. PS/2/RE/Gr A/154/2024-25/02 Invites Online Bids for Generic Drugs as enclosed in Chapter-III (Schedule of Requirements ) included in the Vocabulary of Medical Store(VMS Book) through e-procurement portal. GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 27-May-2024
64. PS/2/RE/Gr B/235/2024-25/03 Invites Online Bids for Generic Drugs as enclosed in Chapter-III (Schedule of Requirements ) included in the Vocabulary of Medical Store(VMS Book) through e-procurement portal GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 27-May-2024
65. PS/2/RE/Gr A/Patent/12/2024-25/04 Invites Online Bids for Patented Drugs as enclosed in Chapter-III (Schedule of Requirements ) included in the Vocabulary of Medical Store(VMS Book) through e-procurement portal GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 27-May-2024
66. PS/2/SIV/Haj session 2025/2024-25/06 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization, DGHS, (hereinafter referred as Tenders Inviting Authority unless the context otherwise requires) invites Bids for Supply ofQuadrivalent/Trivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (SIV) forHaj Session 2025 GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 09-Jan-2025
67. PS/2/QMMV/Haj session 2025/2024-25/05 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization, DGHS, (hereinafter referred as Tenders Inviting Authority unless the context otherwise requires) invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (QMMV) A and C and Y and W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 09-Jan-2025
68. PS/2/QMMV/Haj session 2025/2024-25/05 Govt. Medical Store Depot New Delhi ,Medical Store Organization, DGHS, (hereinafter referred as Tenders Inviting Authority unless the context otherwise requires) invites Bids for Supply of Quadrivalent Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (QMMV) A and C and Y and W 135 (Polysaccharide/Conjugate) GMSD New Delhi Link Drug 09-Jan-2025
69. GMSDND/PS/TPT/ATC/2024-25/07 Rate Contract for Transportation of Medicines/Equipments from GMSD New Delhi to various Destinations GMSD New Delhi Link Others 30-Jan-2025

Active Rate Contract

S. No. VMS Code Drug Name Drug Type Rate/Unit() Packing Details Contract Start Date Contract End Date Batch Size
1. G02002 Diclofenac Tablet I.P. 50 mg Generic 0.3707/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
2. G02004 Diclofenac Injection I.P. 25mg/mL Generic 5.0700/No. 3 ml Amp 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 125000
3. G02005 Ibuprofen Tablet I.P 200 mg Generic 0.4835/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 300000
4. G02006 Ibuprofen Tablet I.P. 400 mg Generic 0.8650/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 350000
5. G02008 Paracetamol Syrup I.P. 125mg/5mL Generic 18.4800/No. 60 ml Bottle 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 33333
6. G02009 Paracetamol Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 0.5728/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
7. G02025 Diclofenac Ointment 1% w/v Generic 55.7900/No. 30 Gm Tube 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
8. G02027 Leflunomide Tablet 20 mg Generic 1.4400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
9. G02034 Ibuprofen and Paracetamol Tablet 400mg + 325mg Generic 1.5518/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
10. G02042 Diclofenac Sustained Release Tablet 100 mg Generic 0.4512/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
11. G02046 Aceclofenac Tablet 100 mg Generic 0.5345/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 300000
12. G02050 Aceclofenac, Paracetamol and Serratiopeptidase Tablet 100mg + 325mg +15mg Generic 0.9100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  700000
13. G02051 Aceclofenac and Rabeprazole Sodium Tablet 200mg + 20mg Generic 1.2900/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
14. G02053 Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Tablet 100mg + 325mg Generic 1.0552/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
15. G02059 Diclofenac and Paracetamol Tablet 50mg + 325mg Generic 0.5997/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
16. G02067 Etodolac Tablet 400 mg Generic 4.2300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
17. G02068 Etodolac Tablet 600 mg Generic 6.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 163000
18. G02070 Etoricoxib and Thiocolchicoside Tablet 60mg + 4mg Generic 2.2700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
19. G02071 Etoricoxib and Thiocolchicoside Tablet 60mg + 8mg Generic 3.7800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
20. G02074 Flupiritine Maleate Capsule 100 mg Generic 2.1000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  500000
21. G02077 Indomethacin Tablet 75 mg Generic 2.4000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
22. G02078 Chlorzoxazone, Diclofenac and Paracetamol Tablet 500mg + 50mg + 325mg Generic 1.1400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2 00000
23. G02079 Lornoxicam and Thiocolchicoside Tablet 4mg + 4mg Generic 1.7400/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 350000
24. G02080 Mefenamic Acid Capsule 250 mg Generic 0.5200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
25. G02081 Mefenamic and Tranexamic Acid Capsule 250mg + 500mg Generic 3.6800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
26. G02083 Naproxen Tablet 250 mg Generic 1.5400/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  3300000
27. G02085 Naproxen Tablet 500 mg Generic 2.9600/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1100000
28. G02088 Paracetamol Tablet 650 mg Generic 1.3272/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 300000
29. G02116 OXACEPROL Tablet 600 mg Generic 9.7500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
30. G02128 Paracetamol Tablet 300mg and 700mg Generic 0.8300/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
31. G02129 Apremilast 10 Mg Tablet Generic 4.4900/No. Strip of 4 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
32. G02130 Apremilast Tablet 20mg Generic 5.3700/No. Strip of 4 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
33. G02131 Aceclofenac and Praracetamol and Thiocolchicoside Tablet 100mg and 325mg and 8mg Generic 5.4800/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
34. G02132 Aceclofenac and Praracetamol and Thiocolchicoside Tablet 100mg and 325mg and 4mg Generic 2.8300/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
35. G02133 Iguratimod 25mg Tablet 25mg Generic 5.4400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
36. G02134 Paracetamol and Tramadol Tablet Tablet 162.5mg and 18.75mg Generic 0.5900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
37. G03009 Cetirizine Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 0.3167/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
38. G03013 Cetirizine Syrup 5mg/5mL Generic 16.8600/No. 60 ml Bottle 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 10000
39. G03015 Fluticasone Nasal Spray 50 mcg Generic 27.9000/No. 10 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 30000
40. G03019 Levocetirizine Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 0.3329/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 500000
41. G03034 Bilastine Tablet 20mg Generic 1.1400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
42. G03035 Bilastine and Montelukast Tablet 20mg and 10mg Generic 1.3700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
43. G04013 Oral Iron Chelating Agent (Calfer) Tablet 250 mg Generic 4.2800/No. Strip of 50 capsules 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
44. G04026 Disulfiram Tablet 500 mg Generic 0.7600/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
45. G05014 Sodium Valproate Oral Solution I.P. 200mg/5mL Generic 29.0000/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
46. G05024 Zonisamide Tablet 100 mg Generic 7.4000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 600000
47. G05028 Carbamazepine Tablet 300 mg Generic 2.7900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
48. G05032 Divalproex Sodium Tablet 1000 mg Generic 4.8700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
49. G05033 Eslicarbazepine Tablet 400 mg Generic 17.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
50. G05035 Gabapentin and Nortriptyline Hcl Tablet 400mg and 10mg Generic 1.5800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  500000
51. G05036 Magnesium Valproate Capsule 200 mg Generic 2.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
52. G05043 Levetiracetam Tablet 750 mg Generic 2.9400/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
53. G05048 Pramipexole Tablet 1 mg Generic 1.1800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
54. G05051 Sodium Valproate Tablet 300 mg Generic 1.9600/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 666670
55. G05057 Zonisamide Tablet 50 mg Generic 3.9000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
56. G05058 Zonisamide Tablet 25 mg Generic 2.1000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
57. G05070 Brivaracetam Tablet 50 MG Generic 2.9400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
58. G05074 Levetiracetam Tablet 1000 mg Generic 4.1700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
59. G05087 Brivaracetam Tablet 100mg Generic 4.6900/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
60. G05088 Gabapentin and Nortriptyline Tablet 200mg and 10mg Generic 1.2800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
61. G05089 Gabapentin and Nortriptyline Tablet 300mg and 10mg Generic 1.5200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
62. G05090 Perampanel 2mg Generic 3.3800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
63. G05091 Primidone Tablet 50mg Generic 2.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
64. G06001 Albendazole Tablet I.P. 400 mg Generic 3.5262/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 300000
65. G06002 Albendazole Suspension 200mg/5mL Generic 11.3200/No. 10 ml Bottle 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 40000
66. G06010 Amoxycillin Oral Suspension I.P. 125mg/5mL Generic 20.1500/No. 60 ml Bottle 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
67. G06011 Amoxycillin Capsule I.P. 250 mg Generic 2.0902/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
68. G06012 Amoxycillin Capsule I.P. 500 mg Generic 3.5262/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
69. G06013 Ampicillin Capsule I.P. 250 mg Generic 2.0383/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
70. G06014 Ampicillin Capsule I.P. 500 mg Generic 3.6750/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
71. G06016 Ampicillin Injection I.P. 500 mg Generic 12.0800/No. Vial 01-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 9000
72. G06023 Cefotaxime Sodium Injection I.P. 250 mg Generic 17.5600/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
73. G06024 Cefotaxime Sodium Injection I.P. 500 mg Generic 23.0900/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
74. G06025 Ceftazidime Injection I.P. 250 mg Generic 27.6700/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
75. G06026 Ceftazidime Injection I.P. 1 G Generic 76.8000/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
76. G06027 Ceftriaxone Injection I.P. 250 mg Generic 23.4000/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 2000
77. G06028 Ceftriaxone Injection I.P. 1 G Generic 45.2900/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 20000
78. G06036 Amikacin Injection I.P. 250mg/2mL Generic 24.7300/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
79. G06038 Azithromycin Tablet I.P. 250 mg Generic 5.5118/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
80. G06039 Azithromycin Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 10.7530/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
81. G06043 Cephalexin Capsule I.P. 250 mg Generic 2.8691/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
82. G06044 Cephalexin Capsule I.P. 500 mg Generic 5.3400/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 100000
83. G06050 Ciprofloxacin Injection I.P. 2mg/mL Generic 19.6200/No. 100 mL Bottle 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
84. G06051 Ciprofloxacin Tablet I.P. 250 mg Generic 1.6920/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 300000
85. G06052 Ciprofloxacin Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 3.1528/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 200000
86. G06055 Trimethoprim and Sulphamethoxazole Oral Suspension I.P. 40mg + 200mg/5mL Generic 19.1700/No. 60 ml Bottle 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 33333
87. G06056 Doxycycline Capsule I.P. 100 mg Generic 1.8390/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
88. G06061 Gentamicin Injection I.P. 40mg/mL Generic 9.7000/No. 2 mL Ampoule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 6000
89. G06062 Metronidazole Injection I.P. 500mg/100mL Generic 17.3700/No. 100 mL Bottle 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
90. G06065 Nitrofurantoin Tablet I.P. 100 mg Generic 0.9800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 15000
91. G06066 Norfloxacin Tablet I.P. 400 mg Generic 2.4644/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
92. G06085 Ofloxacin Tablet I.P. 200 mg Generic 1.7527/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 200000
93. G06105 Fluconazole Tablet I.P. 150 mg Generic 3.0148/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
94. G06124 Stavudine Capsule I.P. 30 mg Generic 2.6100/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
95. G06125 Stavudine Capsule I.P. 40 mg Generic 3.1500/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
96. G06139 Metronidazole Tablet I.P. 200 mg Generic 0.7222/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 500000
97. G06140 Metronidazole Tablet I.P. 400 mg Generic 0.9999/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 200000
98. G06141 Tinidazole Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 1.4739/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
99. G06144 Chloroquine Phosphate Tablet I.P. Approximately Equivlent To 155mg Base Generic 1.1002/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
100. G06155 Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Injection 500mg + 500mg Generic 37.4800/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
101. G06156 Cefoperazone and Sulbactam Injection 1G + 1G Generic 65.7400/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
102. G06159 Amoxycillin and Cloxacillin Tablet 250mg + 250mg Generic 3.3641/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 100000
103. G06166 Levofloxacin Tablet 500 mg Generic 3.9319/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 100000
104. G06168 Cefuroxime Axetil Tablet I.P. 250 mg Generic 7.3086/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
105. G06169 Cefuroxime Axetil Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 17.6531/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 150000
106. G06170 Cefixime Tablet I.P. 200 mg Generic 5.9180/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
107. G06174 Cefadroxil Tablet 500 mg Generic 4.3277/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
108. G06176 Cefoperazone Injection I.P. 1G Generic 47.2000/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 null
109. G06183 Piperacillin and Tazobactum Injection 4G + 500mg Generic 132.0100/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
110. G06184 Meropenem Injection I.P. 1 G Generic 396.3700/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 2000
111. G06196 Amoxycillin and Potassium Clavulanate Tablet I.P. 500mg + 125mg Generic 8.8999/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 19-Oct-2022 31-Mar-2025 150000
112. G06197 Amoxycillin and Potassium Clavulanate Injection I.P. 1G + 200mg Generic 79.9700/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
113. G06206 Cefixime Tablet I.P. 100 mg Generic 3.0818/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
114. G06208 Cefotaxime Sodium Injection I.P. 1 G Generic 35.3000/No. Vial 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 20000
115. G06209 Ceftazidime Injection I.P. 500 mg Generic 37.4900/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
116. G06214 Clotrimazole Cream I.P. 1% W/W Generic 10.3400/No. 15 Gm Tube 06-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 50000
117. G06218 Erythromycin Stearate Tablet I.P. 250 mg Generic 2.5087/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
118. G06237 Trimethoprim and Sulphamethoxazole Tablet I.P. 160mg + 800mg Generic 2.1516/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
119. G06252 Ciprofloxacin and Tinidazole Tablet 500mg + 600mg Generic 4.4280/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
120. G06254 Ciprofloxacin and Tinidazole Tablet 250mg + 300mg Generic 2.3563/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
121. G06257 Lamivudine and Stavudine Tablet 150mg + 30mg Generic 3.2800/No. Bottle of 60 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
122. G06258 Lamivudine and Stavudine Tablet 150mg + 40mg Generic 5.3100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
123. G06264 Lamivudine ,Nevirapine and Stavudine Tablet 150mg + 200mg + 40mg Generic 9.8100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
124. G06270 Azithromycin Tablet 600 mg Generic 8.8800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
125. G06279 Faropenem Tablet 200 mg Generic 26.4600/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 5100
126. G06280 Faropenem Tablet 300 mg Generic 38.8800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 5010
127. G06283 Itraconazole Tablet 100 mg Generic 1.6300/No. 10 x 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 700000
128. G06288 Norfloxacin and Tinidazole Tablet 400mg plus 600mg Generic 3.7957/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
129. G06289 Ofloxacin and Ornidazole Tablet 200mg + 500mg Generic 2.8806/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 200000
130. G06290 Ofloxacin Tablet I.P. 400 mg Generic 3.2086/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
131. G06295 Ribavirin Tablet 200 mg Generic 6.5700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
132. G06301 Roxithromycin Tablet 150 mg Generic 2.3705/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 100000
133. G06305 Tinidazole Tablet 300 mg Generic 0.9999/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
134. G06310 Itraconazole Tablet 200MG Generic 2.7800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
135. G06323 Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet 25mg Generic 11.9000/No. Bottle of 30 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
136. G06330 MEFLOQUINE HYDROCHLORIDE Tablet 250mg Generic 18.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
137. G06331 ARTESUNATE COMBO THERAPY KIT CONSISTING OF 1. ARTESUNATE 200MG 3 tabs and 2. SULFADOXINE 500 MG and PYRIMETHAMINE 25 MG 3 tabs Generic 90.0000/No. Kit 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
138. G06332 ARTEMETHER and LUMEFANTRINE Kit 80mg and 480 mg Generic 5.5000/No. 1 kit of 06 tabs 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
139. G06333 Primaquine Tablet 15 mg Generic 1.4800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
140. G06389 Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin and Esomeprazole Tablet 750mg and 500mg and 40mg Generic 48.7500/No. Strip of 1 tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
141. G06390 Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin and Pantoprazole Tablet 750mg and 500mg and 40mg Generic 50.0000/No. Strip of 7 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
142. G06393 Cefpodoxime and Clavulanic Tablet 200mg and 125mg Generic 7.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
143. G06394 Cefpodoxime and Clavulanic Tablet 500mg and 125mg Generic 11.6200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
144. G06395 Colistimethate Sodium 1Million IU Generic 39.6000/No. Vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
145. G06398 Fosfomycin Sachet 3g Generic 110.0000/No. Sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
146. G06399 Hydroxychloroquine 300mg Generic 3.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
147. G06400 Posaconazole Tablet 100mg Generic 87.0000/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
148. G06401 Posaconazole Tablet 300mg Generic 377.0000/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
149. G06402 Tigecycline Vial 50mg Generic 115.0200/No. Vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
150. G06403 Tobramycin Respule 300mg Generic 206.2500/No. 5 ml Respule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
151. G06404 Valacyclovir Tablet 1000mg Generic 74.2900/No. Strip of 3 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
152. G07004 Sumatriptan Tablet 50 mg Generic 33.3900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
153. G07011 Rizatriptan Tablet 10 mg Generic 18.1200/No. Strip of 4 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
154. G07012 Flunarizine and Propranol Capsule 10mg and 40mg Generic 1.0600/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
155. G07013 Naproxen and Sumatriptan Tablet 500mg and 85mg Generic 13.7500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
156. G08001 Azathioprine Tablet I.P. 50 mg Generic 0.9800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
157. G08078 Thalidomide Tablet 50 mg Generic 4.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  50000
158. G08079 Thalidomide Tablet 100 mg Generic 7.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
159. G08214 TOFACITINIB Tablet 5mg Generic 3.4800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
160. G08226 Mycophenolate Mofitile Tablet 360mg Generic 5.8500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
161. G08244 Capecitabine and Cyclophosphamide Tablet 400mg and 20mg Generic 77.2900/No. Strip of 7 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
162. G08245 Capecitabine and Cyclophosphamide Tablet 700mg and 30mg Generic 121.2900/No. Strip of 7 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
163. G08247 Ondanseetron Oral Disintegrating Strip 4 MG Generic 2.7000/No. Sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
164. G08248 Ondanseetron Oral Disintegrating Strip Orally Disintegrating strip 8mg Generic 4.9200/No. 12 ODS in one mono carton 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
165. G08249 Cyclosporine 0.05 percent Drop Generic 27.5000/No. 3ml filling in 5ml bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
166. G09003 Levodopa and Carbidopa Tablet I.P. 100mg + 10mg Generic 1.1600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 213333
167. G09005 Levodopa and Carbidopa Tablet I.P. 100mg + 25mg Generic 1.8400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1200000
168. G09009 Pramipexole Tablet 0.25 mg Generic 1.9700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
169. G09010 Rasagiline Tablet 0.5 mg Generic 3.9600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 250000
170. G09011 Ropinirole Tablet 2 mg Generic 17.5700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
171. G09014 Entacapone Tablet 200 mg Generic 6.4300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
172. G09027 Safinamide 50mg Tablet Generic 9.7200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
173. G10002 Ferrous Sulphate Tablet I.P. Equivalent to 60 Mg of Ferrous Iron Generic 0.1800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
174. G10033 Enoxaparin Injection I.P. 40 mg Generic 141.3000/No. 0.4 mL PFS 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
175. G10034 Enoxaparin Injection I.P. 60 mg Generic 158.4000/No. 0.6 mL PFS 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
176. G10050 Calcium Dobesillate Tablet 500 mg Generic 1.7000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
177. G10053 Elemental Iron and Folic Acid Tablet 100mg + 1.1mg Generic 4.5800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
178. G10061 Folic Acid, Mecobalamine and Pyridoxine Hcl Tablet 5mg + 1500mcg + 20mg Generic 0.8800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
179. G10062 L Methyl Folate Tablet 7.5 mg Generic 6.1600/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
180. G10064 Warfarin Tablet 2 mg Generic 0.3500/No. Strip of 30 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
181. G10089 Tranexamic Acid Tablet 635mg and 115mg Generic 12.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
182. G10090 Heparin Vial 25000IU Generic 100.0000/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
183. G10091 Rivaroxaban Tablet 2.5mg Generic 1.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
184. G10092 Romiplostim Vial 250mcg Generic 1549.0000/No. 0.5 ml Vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
185. G10093 Tolvaptan Tablet 30mg Generic 153.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
186. G12007 Metoprolol Tablet I.P. 50 mg Generic 0.4400/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
187. G12034 Amlodipine Tablet I.P. 2.5 mg Generic 0.1500/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  500000
188. G12035 Amlodipine Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 0.2569/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
189. G12037 Atenolol Tablet I.P. 50 mg Generic 0.4440/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
190. G12039 Chlorthalidone Tablet I.P. 25 mg Generic 1.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
191. G12041 Clonidine Tablet 100mcg Generic 0.3700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
192. G12047 Losartan Tablet I.P. 25 mg Generic 0.5764/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
193. G12048 Losartan Tablet I.P. 50 mg Generic 0.9537/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 500000
194. G12074 Losartan and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet I.P. 50mg + 12.5mg Generic 0.4900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
195. G12075 Losartan and Amlodipine Tablet I.P. 50mg + 5mg Generic 0.6500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
196. G12078 Clopidogrel Tablet I.P. 75 mg Generic 0.6600/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
197. G12086 Atorvastatin Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 0.3500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
198. G12087 Atorvastatin Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 0.6355/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
199. G12095 Fenofibrate Tablet 160 mg Generic 1.1300/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
200. G12106 Nicorandil Tablet 5 mg Generic 1.0500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
201. G12109 Nitroglycerin Timed Release Capsule 2.5 mg Generic 1.9000/No. Bottle of 25 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
202. G12110 Nitroglycerin Sustained Release Tablet 2.6 mg Generic 0.9300/No. Bottle of 30 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
203. G12121 Ranolazine Sustained Release Tablet 500 mg Generic 1.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 722000
204. G12123 Rosuvastatin Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 0.5300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
205. G12127 Telmisartan Tablet I.P. 20 mg Generic 0.3800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 7500000
206. G12128 Telmisartan Tablet I.P. 40 mg Generic 0.5700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3200000
207. G12129 Trimetazidine Tablet 35 mg Generic 0.7200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
208. G12135 Atenolol and Nifedipine Capsule 50mg + 20mg Generic 2.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
209. G12138 Aspirin and Clopidogrel Capsule 75mg + 75mg Generic 1.0500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
210. G12145 Losartan and Amlodipine Tablet 5mg+ 25mg Generic 5.3400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
211. G12147 Levodopa and Carbidopa Sustained Release Tablet 200mg + 50mg Generic 3.6700/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
212. G12148 Atenolol and Chlorthalidone Tablet 25mg + 12.5mg Generic 2.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3200000
213. G12150 Atenolol and Chlorthalidone Tablet 100mg + 25mg Generic 3.9500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1200000
214. G12154 Hydrochlorothiazide and Telmisartan Tablet 12.5mg + 40mg Generic 0.7400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
215. G12158 Atenolol and Indapamide Tablet 50mg + 2.5mg Generic 1.8000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1600000
216. G12159 Atenolol Tablet 25 mg Generic 0.2711/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
217. G12161 Atorvastatin Tablet 20 mg Generic 1.0523/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 500000
218. G12162 Aspirin and Atorvastatin Capsule 75mg + 10mg Generic 1.1000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
219. G12163 Propranolol Capsule 40 mg Generic 0.7300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
220. G12169 Amlodipine and Perindopril Tablet 5mg + 4mg Generic 7.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
221. G12171 Diltiazem Capsule 120 mg Generic 4.8400/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 650000
222. G12172 Diltiazem Sustained Release Tablet 90 mg Generic 1.3200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
223. G12178 Atorvastatin and Fenofibrate Tablet 10mg + 200mg Generic 2.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
224. G12182 Nebivolol and S-Amlodipine Tablet 2.5mg + 5mg Generic 2.2900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
225. G12192 Acetylcysteine Effervascent Tablet 600 mg Generic 3.3600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
226. G12197 Amlodipine and Telmisartan Tablet 5mg + 80mg Generic 1.1500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  3000000
227. G12198 Amlodipine and Bisoprolol Tablet 5mg + 5mg Generic 0.7500/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 179000
228. G12200 Amlodepine , Hydrochlorthiazide and Olmesartan Medoxomil Tablet 5mg + 12.5mg + 20mg Generic 1.0300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
229. G12204 Aspirin , Atorvastatin and Clopidogrel Tablet 75mg + 10mg + 75mg Generic 1.9500/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1363000
230. G12205 Aspirin , Atorvastatin and Clopidogrel Tablet 75mg + 20mg + 75mg Generic 2.1000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1100000
231. G12207 Aspirin and Rosuvastatin Tablet 75mg + 10mg Generic 1.3500/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1350000
232. G12211 Atorvastatin Tablet 80 mg Generic 1.3800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
233. G12216 Bisoprolol and Hydrochlorthiazide Tablet 2.5mg + 6.25mg Generic 0.8300/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
234. G12217 Bisoprolol and Hydrochlorthiazide Tablet 5mg + 6.25mg Generic 1.8000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 950000
235. G12218 Bisoprolol and S Amlodepine Tablet 5mg + 2.5mg Generic 0.6300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2 00000
236. G12224 Cilnidipine Tablet 5 mg Generic 0.3000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
237. G12225 Cilnidipine and Telmisartan Tablet 10mg + 40mg Generic 0.7400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1767000
238. G12232 Chlorthalidone and Metoprolol Tablet 12.5mg + 50mg Generic 4.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1200000
239. G12233 Chlorthalidone and Olmesartan Tablet 12.5mg + 40mg Generic 1.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
240. G12236 Clopidogrel Tablet 150 mg Generic 2.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
241. G12237 Clopidogrel and Rosuvastatin Tablet 75mg + 10mg Generic 1.1100/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
242. G12238 Dabigatran 150mg Generic 8.9000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
243. G12239 Dabigatran Tablet 110mg Generic 7.2600/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 325000
244. G12246 Ezetimide and Rosuvastatin Tablet 10mg + 10mg Generic 1.4200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
245. G12248 Fenofibrate and Rosuvastatin Tablet 160mg + 5mg Generic 1.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
246. G12249 Fenofibrate and Rosuvastatin Tablet 67mg + 10mg Generic 1.4400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
247. G12250 Fenofibrate and Rosuvastatin Tablet 67mg + 5mg Generic 1.4100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 250000
248. G12253 Glyceryl Trinitrate Tablet 6.4 mg Generic 0.6500/No. 1x30 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
249. G12255 Hydrochlorothiazide and Telmisartan Tablet 12.5mg + 80mg Generic 1.2800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
250. G12257 Hydralazine Hydrochloride and Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablet 37.5mg + 20mg Generic 2.6700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
251. G12266 Losartan and S Amlodipine Tablet 50mg + 2.5mg Generic 2.5000/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
252. G12279 Pitavastin Tablet 1 mg Generic 6.6500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
253. G12280 Pitavastin Tablet 2 mg Generic 14.1200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
254. G12289 Rivaroxaban Tablet 10mg Generic 0.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 251900
255. G12291 Rivaroxaban Tablet 20mg Generic 1.2800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
256. G12293 Fenofibrate and Rosuvastatin Tablet 160mg + 20mg Generic 1.3100/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
257. G12294 Rosuvastatin and Vitamin D3 Tablet 10mg + 1000IU Generic 0.6700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
258. G12297 Telmisartan Tablet 80 mg Generic 1.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
259. G12298 Ticagrelor Tablet 90mg Generic 6.8600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
260. G12300 Trimetazidine Tablet 60 mg Generic 2.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
261. G12303 AMBRISENTAN Tablet 5 MG Generic 28.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
262. G12317 ASPIRIN 75MG and CLOPIDOGREL 75MG and ROSUVASTATIN 10MG Generic 1.6300/No. 10 x 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
263. G12318 ASPIRIN 75MG and CLOPIDOGREL 75MG and ROSUVASTATIN 20MG Generic 1.9300/No. 10 x 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
264. G12321 ATORVASTATIN 10MG and CLOPIDOGREL 75MG Generic 0.9500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
265. G12322 ATORVASTATIN 20MG and CLOPIDOGREL 75MG Generic 1.1500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
266. G12323 AZILSARTAN MEDOXOMIL Tablet 40mg Generic 3.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
267. G12326 BENIDIPINE Tablet 4 MG Generic 0.6500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
268. G12333 CHLORTHALIDONE 12.5MG and CILNIDIPINE 10MG and OLMESARTAN 20MG Generic 1.1600/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
269. G12347 Efonidipine Tablet 40 mg Generic 7.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  30000
270. G12348 Ezetimibe 10mg Tablet Generic 12.0200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
271. G12349 EZETIMIBE 10MG and PITAVASTATIN 2MG Generic 2.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
272. G12350 EZETIMIBE 10MG and PITAVASTATIN 4MG Generic 3.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
273. G12352 FENOFIBRATE + PITAVASTATIN Tablet 67.5 mg + 2 mg Generic 2.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
274. G12359 METOPROLOL 25MG and TELMISARTAN 40MG Generic 0.8500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
275. G12360 MIDODRINE Tablet 2.5 MG Generic 1.3200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
276. G12366 Pitavastatin Tablet 4mg Generic 20.3600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
277. G12370 Ticagrelor Tablet 60 MG Generic 7.9500/No. 10 x 14 Blister 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
278. G12371 TOLVAPTAN Tablet 15 MG Generic 7.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 186000
279. G12387 Metoprolol Succinate 23.75mg Eq. To Metoprolol Tartarate 25mg Telmisartan Ip 40mg Chlorthalidone Ip 12.5mg Tablet 25mg and 40mg and 12.5mg Generic 1.7800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
280. G12388 Metoprolol Succinate 23.75mg Eq. To Metoprolol Tartarate 25mg and Telmisartan Ip 40mg and Chlorthalidone Ip 6.25mg Tablet 25mg and 40mg and 6.25mg Generic 5.5700/No. Blister of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
281. G12395 Ambrisentan Tablet 10mg Generic 88.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
282. G12398 Amlodipine and Bisoprolol Tablet 5mg and 2.5mg Generic 0.7700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
283. G12399 Amlodipine and Hydrochlorothiazide and Olmesartan Tablet 5mg and 12.5mg and 20mg Generic 1.0800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
284. G12400 Aspirin and Rosuvastatin Tablet 150mg and 20mg Generic 2.1900/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
285. G12401 Atorvastatin and Ezetimide Tablet 40mg and 10mg Generic 1.8900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
286. G12402 Azelnidipine Tablet 16mg Generic 2.5800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
287. G12403 Azelnidipine Tablet 8mg Generic 1.4200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
288. G12404 Benidipine and Chlorthalidone Tablet 4mg and 12.5mg Generic 2.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
289. G12405 Chlorthalidone and Cilnidipine and Olmesartan Tablet 12.5mg and 10mg and 40mg Generic 2.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
290. G12406 Chlorthalidone and Metoprolol and Telmisartan Tablet 12.5mg and 50mg and 40mg Generic 6.1900/No. Blister of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
291. G12407 Olmesartan Medoxomil And Chlorthalidone Tablet 12.5mg and 20mg Generic 0.9500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
292. G12408 Chlorthalidone and Cilnidipine and Telmisartan Tablet 6.25mg and 10mg and 40mg Generic 0.9800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
293. G12409 Chlorthalidone and Telmesartan Tablet 6.25mg and 80mg Generic 3.9000/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
294. G12411 Cilnidipine and Metoprolol Tablet 10mg and 25mg Generic 0.8800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
295. G12412 Cilnidipine and Metoprolol and Telmisartan Tablet 10mg and 25mg and 40mg Generic 2.2800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
296. G12413 Cilnidipine and Metoprolol and Telmisartan Tablet 10mg and 50mg and 40mg Generic 2.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
297. G12414 Etizolam and Propranolol Tablet 0.5mg and 20mg Generic 0.5600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
298. G12416 Hydrochlorothiazide and Metoprolol Tablet 12.5mg and 50mg Generic 1.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
299. G12418 Macitentan Tablet 10mg Generic 135.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
300. G12419 Metoprolol and Olmesartan Tablet 25mg and 20mg Generic 1.5900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
301. G12420 Metoprolol and Olmesartan Tablet 50mg and 20mg Generic 1.8400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
302. G12421 Sotalol Tablet 40mg Generic 4.1400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
303. G12422 Trimetazidine Tablet 80mg Generic 4.5600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
304. G13004 Framycetin Sulphate Cream 1% Generic 29.4700/No. 30 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 33000
305. G13007 Povidone Iodine Ointment 5% Generic 12.3200/No. 15 Gm Tube 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 50000
306. G13009 Silver Sulphadiazine Sterile Cream 1% Generic 315.0000/No. 500 gm Jar 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 1000
307. G13023 Heparin and Benzyl Nicotinate Ointment 50IU/G + 2mg Generic 20.8800/No. 20 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
308. G13036 Cetrimide and Gamma Benzene Hexachloride Emulsion 0.1w/v + 1%w/v Generic 23.0000/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2000
309. G13039 Betamethasone and Clioquinol Cream 0.10%w/w + 3%w/w Generic 24.9300/No. 20 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
310. G13041 Betamethasone and Salicylic Acid Ointment 0.10%w/w + 3.0%w/w Generic 16.9200/No. 20 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
311. G13043 Clotrimazole and Selenium Sulphide Suspension 1%w/v + 2.5w/v Generic 38.6700/No. 60 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
312. G13044 Beclomethasone, Clotrimazole and Neomycin Cream 0.025%w/w + 1%w/w + 0.5%w/w Generic 6.6000/No. 15 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 20000
313. G13047 Clobetasone Butyrate and Miconazole Nitrate Cream 0.05%w/w + 2.0%w/w Generic 40.5600/No. 15 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
314. G13049 Fluocinolone Acetonide and Neomycin Cream 0.025%w/w + 0.35%w/w Generic 39.9000/No. 20 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
315. G13051 Fluticasone and Mupirocin Ointment 0.005%w/w + 2.0%w/w Generic 38.9700/No. 5 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 175000
316. G13055 Mometasone and Salicylic Acid Ointment 1mg + 50mg Generic 24.9800/No. 10 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  30000
317. G13057 Ketoconazole and Prepared Coal Tar Scalp Solution 2%w/v + 2%w/v Generic 48.7500/No. 50 ml Solution 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
318. G13058 Ketoconazole and Zinc Pyrithione Lotion 2%w/v + 1%Ww/v Generic 20.5700/No. 50 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
319. G13068 Clobetasone Propionate and Miconazole Nitrate Cream 0.05%w/w + 2.0%w/w Generic 7.9800/No. 15 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  30000
320. G13082 Bacitracin, Neomycin and Sulphacetamide Powder 250 units + 5mg+ 60mg Generic 17.8900/No. Bottle of 10 gm 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
321. G13087 Clobesterole Propionate and Salicyalic Acid Ointment 0.05% + 3% Generic 12.7400/No. 30 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 20000
322. G13088 Isotretinoin Capsule 20 mg Generic 1.6900/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
323. G13090 Methoxsalen Tablet 10 mg Generic 1.2600/No. 20 X10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
324. G13094 Mometasone Cream 0.05% Generic 19.8400/No. 15 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
325. G13099 Povidone Iodine Ointment 10% Generic 9.1300/No. 15 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
326. G13100 Tacrolimus Cream 0.1 w/w Generic 29.9000/No. 10 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 30000
327. G13101 Tacrolimus Cream 0.03% w/w Generic 13.9800/No. 10 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 60000
328. G13102 Terbinafine Cream 1% w/w Generic 6.1100/No. 10 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  50000
329. G13110 Luliconazole 1 percent Generic 12.1600/No. 30 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
330. G13111 MUPIROCIN Ointment 2 percent W/W Generic 12.2500/No. 5 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 20000
331. G13119 Bottle A Diperoxochloric Acid 1.16mg Bottle B Sterile Sodium Chloride Solution Bp 0.9 percent W/V Bottle 1.16mg Generic 1480.0000/No. Bottle of 30 ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
332. G13130 Feracrylum Gel 3%W/W Centbucridine 0.5%W/W Gel 3 percent w/w and 0.5 percent w/w Generic 68.0000/No. 20 Gm Tube 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
333. G13131 Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 0.1 percent and 2.5 percent Generic 69.7700/No. 20 Gm Tube 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
334. G13132 Allantoin and Allium Cepa and Heparin Gel 0.01g and 0.1g and 50IU Generic 42.5000/No. 15 Gm Tube 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
335. G13133 Amorolfine 0.25% Cream 30gm Tube Generic 33.7500/No. Tube of 30gm 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
336. G13134 Amorolfine Bottle 5 percent Generic 381.3600/No. 2.5ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
337. G13139 Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Silver Sulfadiazine 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 449.0000/No. 240 gm Jar 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
338. G13141 Clobetasol and Salicylic Acid 0.05 percent and 6 percent Generic 27.2400/No. Tube of 30gm 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
339. G13142 Eberconazole 1 percent Ointment 0.01 Generic 79.9900/No. Tube of 30gm 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
340. G13147 Sertaconazole 2 percent Ointment 0.02 Generic 26.9600/No. 30 Gm Tube 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
341. G15005 Ethyl Alcohol Solution 70% Alcoholic Hand Disinfectant Bottle of 500ml Generic 195.2600/No. Bottle of 500 ml 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
342. G15007 Gentian Violet Solution Topical 1% Generic 19.0000/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  500
343. G16001 Frusemide Injection I.P. 10mg/mL Generic 4.6500/No. 2 mL Ampoule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 20000
344. G16006 Mannitol Injection I.P. 20% Generic 108.9300/No. 350 mL Bottle 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
345. G16015 Torasemide Tablet 5 mg Generic 0.4100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2 00000
346. G16024 Metolazone Tablet 2.5 mg Generic 1.6000/No. 15 x 15 tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1000000
347. G16025 Spironolactone and Torasemide Tablet 25mg + 10mg Generic 1.3600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
348. G16037 Furosemide Tablet 40mg Generic 0.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
349. G16038 Spironolactone and Torasemide Tablet 50mg and 5mg Generic 2.1600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
350. G17004 Omeprazole Capsule I.P. 20 mg Generic 0.7971/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
351. G17006 Ranitidine Tablet I.P. 150 mg Generic 0.6903/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
352. G17008 Ranitidine Injection I.P. 25mg/mL Generic 4.0300/No. 2 mL Ampoule 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 50000
353. G17009 Domperidone Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 0.3365/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
354. G17010 Domperidone Syrup 1mg/mL Generic 12.0100/No. 30 ml Bottle 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 33333
355. G17023 Hyoscine Butylbromide Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 1.3900/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3,58,000
356. G17033 Pantoprazole Enteric Coated Tablet 40 mg Generic 1.0294/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
357. G17041 Itopride Tablet 50 mg Generic 0.7900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026   300000
358. G17045 Lactulose Liquid 10G/15mL Generic 204.0000/No. Bottle of 500 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 5000
359. G17055 Liq. Paraffin and Milk of Magnesia Suspension 3.75mL+ 11.25mL per 15mL Generic 19.8600/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 95000
360. G17056 Liquid Paraffin, Milk of Magnesia and Sodium Picosulphate Suspension 1.25mL + 3.75mL + 3.33mg per 5mL Generic 15.9800/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
361. G17062 Dicyclomine and Paracetamol Tablet 20mg + 500mg Generic 0.6426/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 11-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
362. G17073 Activated Dimethicone, Aluminum Hydroxide Gel and Magnesium Hydroxide Suspension 50mg + 250mg + 250mg Generic 16.7500/No. 170 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
363. G17077 Capsicum Oleorosin, Mephenesin and Methyl Nicotinate Ointment 0.05%w/w + 10%w/w + 1%w/w Generic 21.9400/No. 30 Gm Tube 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 750000
364. G17079 Diastase (1:1200) and Pepsin IP (1:3000) Liquid 50mg + 10mg Generic 31.5000/No. 200 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
365. G17092 Cinitapride Tablet 1 mg Generic 0.5400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
366. G17101 Domperidone and Esomeprazole Tablet 30mg + 20mg Generic 0.9500/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
367. G17103 Domperidone and Rabeprazole Tablet 30mg + 20mg Generic 0.7000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 261600
368. G17106 Esomeprazole Tablet 40 mg Generic 0.6800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1750000
369. G17107 Esomeprazole and Levosulpiride Tablet 40mg + 75mg Generic 1.4300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
370. G17116 Levosulpiride and Pantoprazole Tablet 75mg + 40mg Generic 1.3600/No. 10 x 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
371. G17121 Pancreatin Capsule 10000 Generic 5.9000/No. Blister of 10 Capsules 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  11000000
372. G17126 Acotiamide 100mg Generic 3.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 298390
373. G17129 Aluminium Hydroxide 291mg+Magnesium Hydroxide98mg+Oxethazaine 10mg Generic 19.1900/No. 170 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3000000
374. G17130 Aluminium Hydroxide and Simethicone and Magnesium Hydroxide and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose Syrup 830 MG and 50 MG and 185 MG and 100 MG Generic 26.1000/No. 200 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
375. G17134 Chlordiazepoxide 5mg+Mebeverine 135mg Generic 1.5500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
376. G17135 Cinitapride 3mg Tablet Generic 1.3500/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
377. G17136 Cinitapride 3mg+Pantoprazole 40mg Generic 2.0700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
378. G17150 Lactitol Syrup 66.67mg Generic 54.9000/No. Bottle of 100ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
379. G17153 Mesalazine Sachet 1gm Generic 10.1500/No. 1gm sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
380. G17157 Prucalopride 1mg Generic 3.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 800000
381. G17158 Prucalopride 2mg Tablet 2 mg Generic 4.3800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
382. G17164 Lactitol Monohydrate Us-Nf and Ispaghula Husk Ip Sachet 10g and 3.5g Generic 97.5000/No. 90 gram Jar 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
383. G17166 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 Ip 14.6gactivated Dimethicone Ip 0.01gpotassium Chloride Ip 0.18gsodium Bicarbonate Ip 0.42gsodium Chloride Ip 0.36g Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate Bp 1.42g Sachet 14.6g and 0.01g and 0.18g and 0.42g and 0.36g and 1.42g Generic 17.9000/No. 17.1g sachets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
384. G17168 Acotiamide Tablet 300mg Generic 3.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
385. G17172 Clidinium and Chlordiazepoxide and Dicyclomine Tablet 2.5mg and 5mg and 10mg Generic 0.6300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
386. G17173 Activated Dimethicone and Pancreatin Tablet 80mg and 170mg Generic 2.4300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
387. G17174 Domperidone and Rabeprazole Tablet 30mg and 40mg Generic 1.1000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
388. G17175 Drotaverine Tablet 80mg Generic 0.7100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
389. G17176 Drotaverine and Mefenamic Tablet 80mg and 250mg Generic 0.8300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
390. G17177 Esomeprazole and Itopride Tablet 40mg and 150mg Generic 2.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
391. G17179 Itopride Tablet 150mg Generic 16.5000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
392. G17182 Mesalazine Sachet 2000mg Generic 20.3500/No. 1gm sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
393. G17184 Oxetacaine and Sucralfate Syrup 10mg and 500mg Generic 47.7900/No. Bottle of 200ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
394. G17186 Pancreatin Tablet 300mg Generic 5.9000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
395. G17188 Simethicone and Pancreatin Tablet 80mg and 170mg Generic 2.4300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
396. G17189 Sucralfate Bottle 500mg Generic 43.6500/No. Bottle of 200ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
397. G18008 Ethinyl Oestradiol and Levonorgestrel Tablet 0.03mg + 0.15mg Generic 0.9400/No. Strip of 21 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
398. G18020 Metformin Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 0.4985/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
399. G18037 Gliclazide and Metformin Tablet 80mg + 500mg Generic 1.1200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
400. G18041 Glimepiride Tablet I.P. 1 mg Generic 0.2745/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 500000
401. G18042 Glimepiride Tablet I.P. 2 mg Generic 0.3175/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 500000
402. G18043 Pioglitazone Tablet I.P. 15 mg Generic 0.3400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
403. G18046 Repaglinide Tablet 0.5 mg Generic 0.6500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 330000
404. G18058 Estradiol Valerate Tablet 1 mg Generic 1.5200/No. Strip of 21 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
405. G18060 Ethinyl Oestradiol and Drospirenone Tablet 0.03mg + 3mg Generic 4.9900/No. Strip of 21 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
406. G18071 Voglibose Tablet 0.3 mg Generic 0.3700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
407. G18075 Didydrogesterone Tablet 10 mg Generic 9.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
408. G18081 Glimepiride and Pioglitazone Tablet 2mg + 15mg Generic 0.4400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
409. G18092 Metformin Tablet 850 mg Generic 0.5100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
410. G18094 Acarbose and Metformin Tablet 50mg + 500mg Generic 2.9800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
411. G18095 Acarbose and Metformin Tablet 25mg + 500mg Generic 2.5400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
412. G18110 Cabergolin Tablet 0.25 mg Generic 10.6300/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 250000
413. G18145 Lamotrigine Tablet 100 mg Generic 1.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
414. G18158 Metformin and Vildagliptin Tablet 1000mg+50mg Generic 1.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
415. G18159 Metformin and Vildagliptin Tablet 500mg+50mg Generic 1.1900/No. Blister of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 925000
416. G18160 Metformin and Vildagliptin Tablet 850mg+50mg Generic 1.3600/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
417. G18164 Metformin and Netiglinide Tablet 500mg + 60mg Generic 3.3000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
418. G18166 Metformin and Repaglinide Tablet 500mg + 1mg Generic 2.2000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
419. G18167 Metformin and Repaglinide Tablet 500mg + 2mg Generic 3.1000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
420. G18183 Nateglinide Tablet 60 mg Generic 2.3800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
421. G18188 Repaglinide Tablet 1 mg Generic 0.8400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 230000
422. G18189 Repaglinide Tablet 2 mg Generic 1.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 185000
423. G18190 Rasagiline Tablet 1 mg Generic 6.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 250000
424. G18198 Saraglitazar Tablet 4mg Generic 25.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 16-Jan-2026  2800000
425. G18203 Thyroxine Tablet 12.5 mcg Generic 0.5100/No. Bottle of 120 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
426. G18206 Vildagliptin Tablet 50mg Generic 0.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
427. G18218 Dienogest Tablet 2 MG Generic 5.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
428. G18220 Empagliflozin 10mg Tablet Generic 31.7500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025  13532427
429. G18221 EMPAGLIFLOZIN 25MG Tablet Generic 35.0600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025  2660751
430. G18222 Empagliflozin 10 mg +Linagliptin 5mg Tablet Generic 53.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025  1221363
431. G18223 Empagliflozin 25mg+Linagliptin 5mg Tablet Generic 58.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025  2237661
432. G18224 EMPAGLIFLOZIN 12.5MG+METFORMIN 1000MG Tablet Generic 31.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025  468198
433. G18225 Empagliflozin 12.5mg+Metformin 500mg Tablet Generic 30.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 17-Jan-2024 09-Mar-2025 683304
434. G18236 Glimepiride 2mg+Metformin 500mg+Voglibose 0.3mg Tablet Generic 0.9600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  400000
435. G18241 Insulin Degludec/Insulin Aspart 100iu/Ml 3ml Contains 70 percent Soluble Insulin Degludec and 30 percent Soluble Insulin Aspart Monocomponent Biosynthetic R-Dna Insulin Solution For Injection in a Pre-Filled Pen Pen 100 U/ML Generic 1100.0000/No. 3 ml PFS 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
436. G18243 MEGESTROL Tablet 160mg Generic 8.6200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
437. G18244 METFORMIN 1000MG+TENELIGLIPTIN 20MG Tablet Generic 1.5100/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 23500
438. G18245 Metformin 500mg+Teneligliptin 20mg Tablet 500 MG + 20 MG Generic 1.2600/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 46600
439. G18247 Metformin 500mg+Nateglinide 60mg+Vogilibose 0.2mg Tablet Generic 3.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
440. G18248 Metformin 500mg+Nateglinide 60mg+Voglibose 0.3mg Tablet Generic 4.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
441. G18249 Monocomponent Insulin Insulin Glulisine Injection vial Generic 346.7200/No. 5 X 3 ml cart 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
442. G18252 Progesterone 200mg Tablet Generic 4.2400/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
443. G18253 Progesterone 300mg Generic 6.9200/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
444. G18270 Teneligliptin 20mg Tablet Generic 0.6200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
445. G18271 Insulin Glargine Cartridge 300IU/ML Generic 1120.0000/No. 1.5ml Cartridge 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
446. G18272 Monocomponent Insulin Insulin Glargine 300iu/Ml Pen 300IU/ML Generic 1430.0000/No. 1.5ml PFP 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
447. G18294 Somatropin Ep Recombinant Human Growth Hormone 4mg 12 Iu and 1 Ampoule Of Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride Inj. Usp 3.5 Ml Vial Same as Drug name Generic 2006.1500/No. Vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
448. G18295 Alogliptin Benzoate 17mg Eq. To Alogliptin 12.5mg and Metformin Hydrochloride Ip 1000 Mg Tablet 12.5mg and 1000mg Generic 8.3400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
449. G18296 Alogliptin Benzoate 17mg Eq. To Alogliptin 12.5mg and Metformin Hydrochloride Ip 500 Mg Tablet 12.5mg and 500mg Generic 6.8800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
450. G18297 Alogliptin Benzoate Eq. To Alogliptin 25mg Tablet 25mg Generic 10.6800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
451. G18298 Alogliptin Benzoate Eq. To Alogliptin 12.5mg Tablet 12.5mg Generic 7.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
452. G18302 Dapagliflozin and Vildagliptin Tablet 10mg and 100mg Generic 1.9600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
453. G18303 Dapagliflozin and Metformin Tablet 5mg and 500mg Generic 1.0800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
454. G18308 Gliclazide and Metformin Tablet 30mg and 500mg Generic 1.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
455. G18311 Glimepiride and Metformin and Voglibose Tablet 1mg and 500mg and 0.3mg Generic 0.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
456. G18312 Glimepiride and Metformin and Voglibose Tablet 2mg and 1000mg and 0.3mg Generic 1.4200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
457. G18313 Glimepiride and Metformin and Voglibose Tablet 3mg and 500mg and 0.3mg Generic 0.9500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
458. G18315 Metformin and Remogliflozin Tablet 500mg and 100mg Generic 8.6600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
459. G18316 Metformin and Remogliflozin and Vildagliptin Tablet 500mg and 100mg and 50mg Generic 9.3100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
460. G18317 Progesterone Capsule 400mg Generic 8.9500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
461. G18318 Remogliflozin and Vildagliptin Tablet 100mg and 50mg Generic 9.4700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
462. G18319 Repaglinide and Voglibose Tablet 0.5mg and 0.2mg Generic 0.9400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
463. G18320 Repaglinide and Voglibose Tablet 0.5mg and 0.3mg Generic 1.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
464. G18321 Repaglinide and Voglibose Tablet 1mg and 0.2mg Generic 1.0600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
465. G18322 Repaglinide and Voglibose Tablet 1mg and 0.3mg Generic 1.1300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
466. G18323 Semaglutide Tablet 14mg Generic 267.0300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
467. G18324 Semaglutide Tablet 3mg Generic 218.7300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
468. G18325 Semaglutide Tablet 7mg Generic 242.8800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
469. G20002 Neostigmine Tablet I.P. 15 mg Generic 17.4600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
470. G20011 Tolperisone Tablet 50 mg Generic 5.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
471. G20012 Tolperisone Tablet 100 mg Generic 6.5400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
472. G20016 Capsaicin and Diclofenac and Linseed Oil and Menthol and Methyl Salicylate Cream/Ointment Ointment 0.025 percent and 1 percent and 3 percent and 5 percent and 10 percent Generic 14.1400/No. 30 Gm Tube 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
473. G20031 Neostigmine Methyl Sulfate Ip Ampoule 0.5mg Generic 3.9500/No. 1 mL Ampoule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
474. G21018 Betaxolol Opthalmic Solution 0.50% Generic 16.2400/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
475. G21020 Pilocarpine Eye Drop 2% Generic 26.9000/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 30000
476. G21023 Timolol Eye Drop I.P. 0.50% Generic 9.5000/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  30000
477. G21025 Homatropine Eye Drop I.P. 2% Generic 18.9000/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
478. G21037 Flurbiprofen Eye Drop 0.03% w/v Generic 10.1000/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  20000
479. G21041 Brimonidine Eye Drop 0.2% w/v Generic 45.4900/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
480. G21043 Natamycin Eye Drop 5% Generic 30.0000/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
481. G21050 Polyvinyl Alcohol and Povidone Eye Drop 1.4% + 0.6% Generic 38.4900/No. 10 mL Vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 230000
482. G21058 Dorzolamide Eye Drop 2% Generic 45.9500/No. Bottle of 5 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
483. G21069 Travoprost Eye Drop I.P. 0.004% Generic 63.8800/No. 3ml Vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  16000
484. G21080 Brimonidine and Timolol Eye Drop 1.5mg + 5mg/mL Generic 211.2700/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 105000
485. G21081 Bimatoprost Eye Drop 0.03% w/v Generic 39.9400/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 5000
486. G21085 Brinzolamide Eye Drop 1% w/v Generic 169.5000/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 50000
487. G21086 Cyclopentolate Eye Drop 1% Generic 21.6000/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
488. G21087 Dorzolamide and Timolol Eye Drop 2% + 0.5% Generic 71.2800/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 125000
489. G21091 Fluticasone Nasal Spray 27.5 mcg Generic 36.7000/No. 6ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 25000
490. G21092 Gatifloxacin and Prednisolone Acetate Eye Drop 0.3%w/v + 1%w/v Generic 11.7900/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
491. G21100 Latanoprost and Timolol Eye Drop 0.005%w/v + 0.5%w/v Generic 104.3000/No. 2.5ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
492. G21106 Nepafenac Eye Drop 0.1% Generic 15.2500/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  20000
493. G21118 Travoprost and Timolol Eye Drop 40mcg + 5mg Generic 108.6200/No. 2.5ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
494. G21124 Bimatoprost 0.01 percent Generic 44.6000/No. 3ml of bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 15000
495. G21126 Brimonidine Tartrate 0.2 percent and Timolol Maleate 0.5 percent Eye Drop 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 48.8800/No. 5 ml vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  20000
496. G21127 Brimonidine 0.2 percent and Brinzolamide 1 percent Drops 5ml Eye Drop Generic 83.9000/No. Bottle of 5 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 25000
497. G21129 SODIUM HYALURONATE 0.1 w/v Generic 67.8900/No. 10 mL Vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  40000
498. G21131 POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL and PROPYLENE GLYCOL Drop 0.4 percent and 0.3 percent Generic 101.9000/No. 10 mL Vial 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 29423
499. G21137 Brimonidine Tartrate Ip Vial 0.1 percent w/v Generic 31.2500/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
500. G21138 Benzocaine and Chlorbutol and Paradichlorobenzene and Turpentine Bottle 2.7 percent and 5 percent and 2 percent and 15 percent Generic 15.8800/No. 10 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
501. G21139 Bepotastine Drop 0.015 percent Generic 43.7500/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
502. G21140 Bimatoprost and Timolol Bottle 0.3 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 69.2600/No. 3ml of bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
503. G21141 Brimonidine and Stabilized Oxychloro Bottle 0.1 percent and 0.005 percent Generic 31.2500/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
504. G21143 Brinzolamide and Timolol Bottle 1 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 146.4500/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
505. G21144 Carboxymethylcellulose and Glycerin Bottle 0.5 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 15.3900/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
506. G21148 Dexamethasone and Moxifloxacin Bottle 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent Generic 12.9000/No. 10 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
507. G21153 Netarsudil Bottle 0.2 percent Generic 168.7500/No. 2.5 ml Vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
508. G21154 Oloptadine Bottle 0.2mg Generic 18.7400/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
509. G21156 Polyethylene Glycol Sachet 17g Generic 39.0600/No. Sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
510. G21157 Ripasudil Bottle 0.4 percent Generic 195.0300/No. 5 ml vial 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
511. G22001 Methylegometrine Tablet I.P. 0.125 mg Generic 2.2400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
512. G24010 Trifluoperazine Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 0.3400/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 204000
513. G24017 Alprazolam Tablet I.P. 0.25 mg Generic 0.2200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
514. G24018 Alprazolam Tablet I.P. 0.5 mg Generic 0.2700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
515. G24022 Nitrazepam Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 1.4900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
516. G24023 Nitrazepam Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 2.8900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
517. G24024 Clomipramine Capsule I.P. 10 mg Generic 1.6700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1350000
518. G24057 Trazodone Tablet 50 mg Generic 0.8900/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
519. G24058 Trazodone Tablet 100 mg Generic 5.0300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
520. G24060 Zolpidem Tablet I.P. 5 mg Generic 0.3900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
521. G24063 Benzhexol and Trifluoperazine Tablet 2mg + 5mg Generic 0.4800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
522. G24068 Agomelatine Tablet 25 mg Generic 8.1900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
523. G24070 Alprazolam and Propranolol Tablet 0.25mg + 20mg Generic 0.3500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
524. G24079 Citicoline and Piracetum Tablet 500mg + 400mg Generic 8.5500/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
525. G24082 Chlordiazepoxide Tablet 10 mg Generic 0.4700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
526. G24091 Clonazepam and Propranolol Tablet 0.25mg + 20mg Generic 0.4400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
527. G24099 DONEPEZIL + MEMANTIN Tablet 5mg+5mg Generic 2.5000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
528. G24103 Escitalopram and Etizolam Tablet 5mg + 0.5mg Generic 0.6300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
529. G24107 Flupentixol Tablet 0.5 mg Generic 0.4100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
530. G24108 Flupentixol Tablet 1 mg Generic 2.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
531. G24109 Flupentixol Tablet 3 mg Generic 5.8000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 105000
532. G24111 Fluvoxamine Capsule 100 mg Generic 2.7100/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2 00000
533. G24122 Lithium Carbonate Tablet 400 mg Generic 3.7800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 90000
534. G24124 Memantine Tablet 5 mg Generic 3.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 450000
535. G24126 Mirtazapine Tablet 7.5 mg Generic 2.9400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
536. G24128 Nortriptyline Tablet 25 mg Generic 0.5900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
537. G24134 Paroxetine Tablet 37.5 mg Generic 2.8400/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1000000
538. G24145 Tetrabenazine Tablet 25 mg Generic 20.3000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 150000
539. G24146 Venlafaxin Tablet 37.5 mg Generic 0.7300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
540. G24151 Zolpidem Tablet 12.5 mg Generic 0.6300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
541. G24163 DONEPEZIL 5MG Tablet 5mg Generic 0.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
542. G24188 Endoxifen Tablet 8mg Generic 71.4300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
543. G24189 Amisulpride Tablet 50mg Generic 0.8600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
544. G24190 Amitriptyline and Gabapentin Tablet 10mg and 300mg Generic 1.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
545. G24191 Clonazepam and Desvenlafaxine Tablet 0.5mg and 50mg Generic 2.8100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
546. G24192 Donapezil Tablet 5mg Generic 0.9400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
547. G24195 Duloxetine and Pregabalin Capsule 20mg and 75mg Generic 3.1300/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
548. G24196 Lamotrigine Tablet 200mg Generic 20.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
549. G24198 Methylcobalamin and Pregabalin Tablet 1500mcg and 75mg Generic 1.3400/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
550. G24200 Nortriptyline and Pregabalin Tablet 10mg and 50mg Generic 0.8400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
551. G25010 Salbutamol Inhaler I.P. 100mcg/Dose Generic 50.6900/No. 200 MDI 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
552. G25014 Codeine Syrup I.P. 15mg/5mL Generic 50.1100/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
553. G25016 Ipratropium and Salbutamol Inhaler 20mcg + 100mcg Generic 144.0000/No. 200 MDI 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
554. G25020 Fluticasone Inhaler I.P. 125 mcg Generic 126.0000/No. 120 MDI 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 21000
555. G25031 Montelukast Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 0.6600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  2500000
556. G25032 Salmeterol Inhaler 25 mcg Generic 117.0000/No. 120 MDI 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 21000
557. G25035 Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler 9 mcg Generic 126.9900/No. 200 MDI 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
558. G25036 Salbutamol Rotacap 200 mcg Generic 0.6700/No. Bottle of 60 Rotacaps 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
559. G25038 Ipratropium Rotacap 40 mcg Generic 0.8100/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
560. G25046 Levosalbutamol Syrup 1mg/5mL Generic 11.8900/No. 100ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
561. G25051 Budesonide Respule 0.5 mg Generic 4.2900/No. Respule of 2 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
562. G25052 Budesonide Solution 1mg/2mL Generic 6.1000/No. Respule of 2 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 10000
563. G25059 Theophylline Long Acting Tablet 400 mg Generic 1.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
564. G25067 Bromhexine Hcl, Guaiphenesin and Terbutalline Sulphate Syrup 4mg + 50mg + 1.25mg Generic 10.3000/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3000000
565. G25072 Fluticasone and Salmeterol Disk 100mcg +50mcg Generic 1.9000/No. 1 x 30 caps 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
566. G25073 Fluticasone and Salmeterol Disk 500mcg + 50mcg Generic 2.5800/No. 1 x 30 caps 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 150000
567. G25079 Theophylline and Etophylline Sustained Release Tablet 35mg + 115mg Generic 0.5300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
568. G25080 Theophylline and Etophylline Sustained Release Tablet 104mg + 346mg Generic 4.5100/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
569. G25087 Budesonide and Formoterol Fumarate Disk 400mcg + 12mcg Generic 1.1600/No. Strip of 30 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1500000
570. G25095 Chlorpheniramine and Dextromethorphan Syrup 1mg + 5mg Generic 10.4000/No. 60 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
571. G25098 Fluticasone and Salmeterol Inhaler 125mcg + 25mcg Generic 85.7000/No. 120 MDI 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
572. G25103 Caffeine, Chlorpheniramine and Phenylephrine Tablet 30mg + 2mg + 10mg Generic 1.8800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
573. G25109 Chlorpheniramine, Paracetamol and Phenylephrine Suspension 1mg + 125mg + 5mg Generic 8.3000/No. 60 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2568000
574. G25124 Acebrophyllin Capsule 100 mg Generic 0.8800/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
575. G25125 Acebrophyllin Capsule 200 mg Generic 1.4600/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  400000
576. G25128 Ambroxol Tablet 30 mg Generic 0.4900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
577. G25131 Bambuterol and Montelukast Tablet 10mg + 10mg Generic 1.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
578. G25133 Bromhexine Hcl, Guaiphenesin and Terbutalline Sulphate Syrup 4mg + 50mg + 2.5mg/5mL Generic 10.8000/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3000000
579. G25144 Fexophenadine and Montolukast Tablet 120mg + 10mg Generic 1.6800/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
580. G25152 Indacaterol Maleate and Glycopyrronium Bromide Kit 110mcg & 50mcg (30 capsules & 1 inhaler) Generic 567.0000/No. Box of 30 caps with 1 Inh 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 849720
581. G25155 Pirfenidone Tablet 200 mg Generic 3.4900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  200000
582. G25157 ACEBROPHYLLINE 100MG + ACETYLCYSTEINE 600MG Tablet Generic 3.5500/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 30000
583. G25158 ACEBROPHYLLINE 200MG + MONTELEUCAST 10MG Tablet Generic 2.2700/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
585. G25164 BUDESONIDE 0.5 MG+FORMOTEROL FUMARATE 20 MCG Respirator Generic 10.6900/No. Respule of 2 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
586. G25165 BUDESONIDE 0.5MG+LEVOSALBUTAMOL 1.25MG Inhalation Generic 7.9000/No. Respule of 2 ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
587. G25169 DESLORATADINE 5MG+MONTELUKAST 10MG Tablet Generic 1.1100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  600000
588. G25196 Fluticasone Furoate and Vilanterol Capsule 100mcg and 25mcg Generic 9.8200/No. Bottle of 30 caps 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
589. G25197 Budesonide Tablet 9mg Generic 34.2900/No. Bottle of 15 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
590. G25198 Each Capsule Contains Mometasone Furoate Eq To 136 Mcg Of Mometasone Furoate Ip 160 Mcg Glycopyrronium Bromide Eq To 46 Mcg Of Glycopyrronium Ph Eur 63 Mcg and Indacaterol Acetate Eq To 114 Mcg Of Indacaterol Ih 173 Mcg Capsule 160mcg and 63mcg and 173mcg Generic 21.9000/No. 3 x 10 tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
591. G25200 Phenylephrine Hcl Chlorpheneramine Maleate Paracetamol Bottle 2.5mg and 1mg and 125mg Generic 12.5000/No. Bottle of 60ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
592. G25202 Ambroxol and Guaifenesin and Terbutaline Bottle 15mg and 50mg and1.25mg Generic 11.6000/No. 100 mL Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
593. G25203 Ambroxol and Guaifenesin and Levosalbutamol Bottle 30mg and 50mg and 1mg Generic 14.1000/No. Bottle of 100ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
594. G25204 Azelastine and Fluticasone Nasal Spray 140mcg and 50mcg Generic 44.3300/No. Bottle of 7 ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
595. G25206 Budesonide and Formoterol and Glycopyrronium Capsule 400mcg and 12mcg and 25mcg Generic 4.4500/No. Bottle of 30 caps 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
596. G25207 Chlorpheniramine 2mg and Dextromethorphan 10mg Bottle 2mg and 10mg Generic 16.8900/No. Bottle of 100ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
597. G25208 Chlorpheniramine and Paracetamol and Phenylephrine Tablet 2mg and 500mg and 10mg Generic 0.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
598. G25209 Chlorpheniramine and Phenylephrine Bottle 2mg and 5mg Generic 14.4900/No. Bottle of 60ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
599. G25210 Chlorpheniramine and Dextromethorphan Bottle 4mg and 10mg Generic 11.4200/No. Bottle of 100ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
600. G25211 Ciclesonide and Formoterol and Tiotropium Inhalation 200mcg and 6mcg and 9mcg Generic 389.0000/No. 180 MDI Inhaler 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
601. G25213 Formoterol and Glycopyrronium Capsule 12mcg and 25mcg Generic 6.2700/No. Strip of 30 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
602. G25214 Formoterol and Tiotropium Capsule 12mcg and 18mcg Generic 2.1100/No. Strip of 30 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
603. G25215 Levocetirizine and Montelukast Bottle 2.5mg and 4mg Generic 9.0500/No. Bottle of 60ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
604. G25216 Levosalbutamol Inhalation 50mcg Generic 78.8400/No. 200MDI Inhaler 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
605. G25217 Pirfenidone Tablet 400mg Generic 5.8700/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
606. G25218 Pirfenidone Tablet 801mg Generic 42.3000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
607. G26001 Oral Rehydration Salts Containing Detrose (Anhydrous), Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride and Sodium Citrate Sachet I.P 13.5 G/L + 2.6 G/L + 1.5 G/L + 2.9 G/L Powder for Dilution In 200Ml; 500 Ml; 1000Ml. Generic 8.3200/No. 21gm sachet 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
608. G26009 Compound Sodium Lactate Injection I.P. Generic 35.3000/No. Bottle of 500 ml 11-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 5000
609. G26030 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Citrate Liquid 1.37G/5mL Generic 16.9200/No. 100ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  1000
610. G26031 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Citrate Liquid 1.53G/5mL Generic 15.3500/No. 100 mL Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2830000
611. G27002 Ascorbic Acid Tablet I.P. 500 mg Generic 1.4800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 400000
612. G27009 Thiamine Tablet I.P. 100 mg Generic 0.5000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 280000
613. G27025 Alfacalcidol Capsule 0.25 mcg Generic 0.7200/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
614. G27026 B-Complex Tablet Generic 0.2246/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 200000
615. G27032 Cholecalciferol Sachet 60000 IU Generic 2.5900/No. 1gm sachet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 450000
616. G27043 Cholecalciferol, Elemental Calcium and Magnesium Tablet 200iu + 200mg + 100mg Generic 3.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3500000
617. G27044 Alfacalcidol and Elemental Calcium Capsule 0.25mcg + 200mg Generic 1.0800/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
618. G27046 Calcitriol and Elemental Calcium Capsule 0.25mcg + 200mg Generic 1.0000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
619. G27047 Calcitriol, Elemental Calcium and Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate Capsule 0.25mcg + 200mg + 7.5mg Generic 1.0100/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
620. G27074 Ademetionine Tablet 400 mg Generic 53.0000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
621. G27076 Alendronate Sodium and Vit D3 Tablet 70mg + 5600iu Generic 1.9500/No. 10x4 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 40000
622. G27077 Alendronate Sodium and Vit D3 Tablet 70mg + 2800iu Generic 1.8900/No. 10x4 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 40000
623. G27081 Bethanechol Chloride Tablet 25 mg Generic 7.1100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
624. G27090 Calcium Carbonate and Vit D3 Capsule 500mg + 250iu Generic 0.5272/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 04-Apr-2022 31-Mar-2025 2500000
625. G27093 Calcitonin Nasal Spray 200 IU Generic 286.0000/No. Bottle of 3.7ml 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 16000
626. G27094 Calcitonin Nasal Spray 2200 IU Generic 318.7000/No. 30 ml Bottle 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 16000
627. G27097 Mecobalamin Tablet 1500 mcg Generic 0.5800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1500000
628. G27098 Mecobalamin Injection 500mcg/mL Generic 3.3000/No. 1 mL Ampoule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
629. G27135 Energy 10 Kcal and Total Carbohydrate 2.78 G and Carbohydrate 2.5 G and Vitamin B3 7.5mg and L-Lysine 5mg and Zinc 5mg and Vitamin E 2.5mg and Vitamin B5 1.25mg and Vitamin B2 0.75 Mg and Vitamin B1 0.7mg and Vitamin B6 0.5mg and Vitamin A 375mcg and Vitamin B12 0.5mcg and Iodine 38mcg and Copper 25mcg and Selenium 10mcg Bottle Generic 75.6000/No. 200 ml Bottle 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
630. G27144 Cholecalciferol Drop 400IU Generic 11.9800/No. Bottle of 30 ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
631. G27146 Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Gr-1 and Lactobacillus Reuteri Rc-14 1 Billion Cfu Capsule Generic 50.0000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
632. G27147 Streptococcus Faecalis T-110 Jpc 30 Million, Clostridium Butyricum To-A 2 Million, Bacillus Mesentericus To-A Jpc 1 Million And Lactobacillus Sporogenes 50 Million Sachet Same as Drug name Generic 8.6500/No. Sachet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
633. G27148 Vitamin A Ip 1100iu Cholecalciferol Ip 100iu Thaimine Hydrochloride Ip 5mg Riboflavin Sodium Sulfateip 1.4mg Nicotinamide Ip 10mg Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Ip 1.65mg Ascorbic Acid Ip 50mg Tocopheryl Acetate Ip 0.5mg L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Usp 0.2mg Wfi Ampoule 1100IU and 100IU and 5mg and 1.4mg and 10mg and 1.65mg and 50mg and 0.5mg and 0.2mg Generic 30.0000/No. 10ml Ampoule 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
634. G27149 L-Arginine Hydrochloride Usp 2.7mg and L-Histidine Hydrochloride H2o Bp 1.4mg and L-Isoluceine Usp 1.8mg and L-Luciene Usp4.1mg and L-Lysine Hydrochloride Usp 7.4mg L-Methionine Usp 2.4mg L-Phenylalanine Usp 2.9mg L-Threonine Usp 1.8mg L-Valine Usp 2mg L-Tryptophan Usp 0.6mg Glycine Ip 3.3mg Sorbitol Ip 50mg Wfi Bottle Generic 191.0000/No. Bottle of 200ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
635. G27150 L-Isoleucine Usp 9.2mg, L-Leucine Usp 9.45mg, L-Lysine Hydrochloride Usp 3.95mg, L-Methionine Usp 0.44mg, L-Phenylalanine Usp 0.3mg, L-Threonine Usp 2.14mg, L-Tryptophan Usp 0.7mg, L-Valine Usp 8.9mg, L-Alanine Usp 8.4mg, L-Arginine Hydrochloride Usp 18.587mg Eq. To L-Arginine Usp 15.37mg, L-Aspartic Acid Bp 0.2mg, L-Histidine Hydrocloride H2o Bp 4.186mg Eq To L-Histidine Bp 3.1mg, L-Proline Usp 5.3mg, L-Tyrosine Usp 0.4mg, L-Serine Usp 2.6mg, Glycine Ip 5.4mg, Wfi Bottle Same as Drug name Generic 1197.7100/No. Bottle of 500 ml 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
636. G27151 Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol Orally Disintegrating Strip Generic 4.9800/No. 10 ODS in one mono carton 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
637. G27152 Methylcobalamin Orally Disintegrating strip 1500mcg Generic 3.9100/No. 12 ODS in one mono carton 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
638. G27155 Energy 2.5 Kcal Protein 0.1g Carbohydrate 0.5 G Total Sugars 0.3 G Added Sugars 0.2g Sodium 8.9mg Vitamin C 80 Mg Grape Seed Extract 50 Mg Vitamin B3 18 Mg Zinc 17 Mg Vitamin E 10 Mg Magnesium 3mg Vitamin B5 3 Mg Vitamin B2 2.5 Mg Vitamin B1 1.8mg Vitamin B6 2.4 Mg Vitamin A 1000 Mcg Manganese 250 Mcg Folic Acid 150 Mcg Iodine 140 Mcg Chromium 50 Mcg Selenium 40mcg Biotin 30 Mcg Copper 30 Mcg Vitamin B12 2mcg Vitamin D3 As Lichen 5 Mcg Tablet Same as Drug name Generic 3.8500/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
639. G27158 Benfotiamine and Folic and Methylcobalamin and Pyridoxine Capsule 100mg and 5mg and 1500mcg and 15mg Generic 2.0800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
640. G27160 Biotin Capsule 5mg Generic 0.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
641. G27161 Calcitriol and Calcium Tablet 0.25mcg and 500mg Generic 0.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
642. G27163 Calcitrol and Calcium and Vitamin K7 Tablet 0.25mcg and 250mg and 50mcg Generic 1.4900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
643. G27164 Calcium and Cholecalciferol and Vitamin K2 7 Tablet 500mg and 1000IU and 50mcg Generic 1.8100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
644. G27166 Chromium Picolinate and Folic and Methylcobalamin and Nicotinic and Pyridoxine and Selenium and Zinc Tablet 250mcg and 1500mcg and 15mcg and 100mg and 3mg and 100mcg and 61.8mg Generic 1.2100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
645. G27170 Lactobacillus 120million Spores Tablet 120million Generic 0.5200/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
646. G28002 Donepezil Tablet I.P. 10 mg Generic 2.0100/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 400000
647. G28004 Memantine Tablet 10 mg Generic 3.6900/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
648. G28023 Citicoline Tablet 500 mg Generic 7.7000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2280000
649. G28039 Cinacalcet Tablet 30 mg Generic 7.3100/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
650. G28040 Cinacalcet Tablet 60 mg Generic 30.0000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
651. G28041 Cinacalcet Tablet 90 mg Generic 40.0000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
652. G28042 Cinnarizine Tablet 75 mg Generic 0.3900/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
653. G28044 Darifenacin Tablet 7.5 mg Generic 7.4000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
654. G28050 Dutasteride Tablet 0.5 mg Generic 0.6400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 460000
655. G28051 Epalrestat Capsule 150 mg Generic 4.3800/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
656. G28053 Eplerenone Tablet 25 mg Generic 6.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 499000
657. G28054 Eplerenone Tablet 50 mg Generic 17.9800/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 340200
658. G28055 Febuxostat Tablet 40 mg Generic 0.7700/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1800000
659. G28063 N Acetyl Cystine and Taurine Tablet 150mg + 500mg Generic 1.3300/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 30000
660. G28066 Mycophenolate Mofitile Tablet 500 mg Generic 7.9400/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 37700
661. G28067 Orlistat Capsule 120 mg Generic 7.0000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 40000
662. G28068 Oxaceprol Tablet 200 mg Generic 7.2000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
663. G28072 Purified Falvonoids Fraction Containing 90% Diosmin and 10% Other Flavonoids Expressed as Hesperidin Tablet 500 mg Generic 6.3700/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 510000
664. G28077 Silodosin Capsule 8 mg Generic 2.8000/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1900000
665. G28078 Silodosin Capsule 4 mg Generic 1.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
666. G28079 Silodosin and Dutasteride Tablet 4Mg + 0.5mg Generic 3.4000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
667. G28080 Sodium Bicarbonate Tablet 1000 mg Generic 0.5500/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 36600
668. G28081 Sodium Bicarbonate Tablet 500 mg Generic 0.3400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
669. G28082 Solifenacin Succinate Tablet 10 mg Generic 1.9000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  100000
670. G28083 Solifenacin Succinate Tablet 5 mg Generic 1.0300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 200000
671. G28088 Tamsulosin and Tolterodine Capsule 0.4mg + 4mg Generic 12.1800/No. 10 x 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 3271
672. G28091 Ursodeoxycholic Acid Tablet 450 mg Generic 10.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  300000
673. G28093 Tamsulosin Capsule 0.2 mg Generic 1.2300/No. Strip of 15 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
674. G28094 Tolterodine Tablet 1 mg Generic 7.3300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
675. G28102 DUTASTERIDE 0.5MG+SILODOSIN 8MG Tablet Generic 2.9500/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 2700000
676. G28104 MIRABEGRON 25MG Tablet Generic 2.4000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
677. G28105 Mirabegron 50mg Tablet Generic 4.3000/No. 10 x 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 500000
678. G28108 Sildenafil 20MG Tablet 20mg Generic 1.1200/No. Strip of 15 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 100000
679. G28114 Gabapentin 100MG + Nortriptyline 10MG Tablet Generic 0.6000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 1000000
680. G28116 Methylcobalamin 1500MCG + Nortriptyline 10MG + Pregabalin 75MG Tablet Generic 1.2700/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026  500000
681. G28118 Nortriptyline 10MG and Pregabalin 75MG Tablet Generic 0.7300/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 30-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2026 300000
682. G28135 Ibandronic Acid Tablet 150 MG Generic 21.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
683. G28173 Mycofenolate Mofetil Tablet 250mg Generic 3.7600/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
684. G28175 Mycofenolate Sodium Tablet 180mg Generic 5.0400/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
685. G28179 Dinoprostone Pge2 10 Mg Vaginal Pessary Generic 2353.7000/No. 1 Vaginal Pessary 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
686. G28180 Policresulen and Cinchocaine Hcl Bp 50 mg (50 percent w/w) and 10 mg (1 percent w/w) Generic 207.8600/No. Tube of 30gm 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
687. G28181 Trypsin Chemotrypsin and Aceclofenac and Paracetamol Ip Tablet 50000IU and 100mg and 325mg Generic 1.2000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
688. G28184 Sildenafil Orally Disintegrating strip 50mg Generic 4.5300/No. 5 ODS in one mono carton 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
689. G28189 Diosmin and Hesperidin Tablet 450mg and 50mg Generic 5.9700/No. Blister of 10 Tablets 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
690. G28191 Mirabegron and Solifenacin Tablet 25mg and 5mg Generic 3.1000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
691. G28192 Mirabegron and Solifenacin Tablet 50mg and 5mg Generic 5.2000/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
692. G28193 Obeticholic Acid Tablet 10mg Generic 7.2500/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 06-Jan-2025 05-Jan-2027 null
693. NIVC1 Povidone iodine ointment 5% Ointment Generic 160.4800/No. 250 gm Jar 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
694. NIVC10 Levofloxacin IP 250mg Tablet Generic 2.0372/No. Strip of 10 Tablet 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 100000
695. NIVC11 Omeprazole 20mg and Domperidone 10mg Capsule Generic 1.4906/No. Strip of 10 Capsule 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 300000
696. NIVC2 Povidone iodine 10% SOLN Solution Generic 45.7600/No. 100ml 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 2000
697. NIVC3 Povidone Iodine 5% solution Solution Generic 29.6600/No. 100ml 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 2000
698. NIVC4 Alcoholic Hand Disinfectant Solution Generic 195.2600/No. Bottle of 500 ml 04-Sep-2020 31-Mar-2025 null
699. NIVC5 Alcoholic Hand Disinfectant Solution Generic 53.0000/No. 100ml 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 6000
700. NIVC6 Cough Syrup -Each 5ML Contains Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride IP 14 MG Sodium Citrate IP 57 MG Menthol IP 0.9 Mg Generic 21.6800/No. 100 mL Bottle 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 18181
701. NIVC7 Inj. Amikacin Sulphate IP 500mg Injection Generic 46.4000/No. Vial 24-Jan-2025 31-Mar-2025 null
702. NIVC8 Inj Cefotaxime Sodium 1g and Sulbactum 500mg Injection Generic 48.3600/No. Vial 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 4000
703. NIVC9 Inj Ceftriaxone 1g and Sulbactum 500mg Injection Generic 49.3300/No. Vial 01-Jul-2021 31-Mar-2025 5000

Tender Type Drugs

S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found

Tender Equipment

S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found

Tender Consumable

S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found

Tender Category Other

S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found

Tender Category All

S. No. Ref.No. Description GMSD Name Cpp Link Tender No On CPP Portal Tender Type Closing Date Tender DocumentAdditional Tender Doc Corrigendum
No Record Found


S. No. Post Name Post Description Store Name Last Submission DateAttachment
1. Consultant-02 2(Two) at the level of Deputy Secretary (1 Post) and US/ SO/ AO (1 post) MSO_HQ 20-Sep-2024

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066




S. No. File Name Latest Update Attachment
1. CPIOs of MSO and GMSDs 06-Feb-2025

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Application Form

S. No. File Discription Latest UpdateAttachment
1. Application Form For Registration of Testing Laboratory 19-Sep-2020
2. Application Form For Registration of Manufacturing Unit 19-Sep-2020

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Who is Who

S.No Name Designation Phone email
Medical Store Organization
1. Dr. Alok Mathur DDG 011-23101268
2. Dr. Preeti Wadhawan CMO(SAG) 011-23101268
3. Dr. Vikaas Sharma SMO 011-23101268

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Key Function

Key Function

S. No. File Discription AttachmentLatest Update
No Record Found

Rates Available For Drugs

Rates Available For Drugs

S. No. File Discription AttachmentLatest Update
1. 2019-2020 Procurement Data 18-Jan-2023
2. 2020-2021 Procurement Data 18-Jan-2023
3. 2021-2022 Procurement data 18-Jan-2023

Procurement Manual

S. No. File Discription Latest UpdateAttachment
1. Procurement and Operational Manual of MSO and GMSD Part 1 23-Sep-2020
2. Procurement and Operational Manual of MSO and GMSD Part 2 23-Sep-2020

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066




S. No. File Discription Latest UpdateAttachment
No Record Found

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066




S. No. File Name DateFile
1. VMS Formulary 20-09-23
2. New Formulary 20-09-23

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Registered Mfg Units

Registered Mfg Units

S. No. File Discription AttachmentLatest Update
No Record Found

Vocabulary of Medical Store (VMS)

Vocabulary of Medical Store (VMS)

The manufacturers / suppliers are requested to identify the items in the list of Vocabulary of Medical Store (VMS) of Generic Drugs which are patent and inform the MSO submitting the certificate of patent along the period of patent.

S. No. Post Name Post Description Store Name Last Submission DateAttachment
1. Consultant-02 2(Two) at the level of Deputy Secretary (1 Post) and US/ SO/ AO (1 post) MSO_HQ 20-Sep-2024


call us



Deputy Director General (stores) Directorate General of Health Services Medical Store Organisation
West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066





Functions & Duties


1. To procure and supply medicines for C.G.H.S., Para Military Forces and other indentors.
2. Receipt, Storages and distribution of supplies of drugs and allied stores including various vaccines received from WHO, UNICEF, USAID and other various International Agencies under various agreements entered with Govt. of India, New Delhi.
3. Receipt, Storage and Issue of stores required under National Health and F.W., Programmers such as Anti-TB, Anti-Leprosy, NMEP, RCH etc.
4. Meeting the emergency needs of the Southern states in case of Natural Calamities such as floods, Tsunami, Cyclones, droughts etc.
Timely supply of stores bestowing full attention always on quality supplies. Proper storage of all the items against pests, rodents infestations and cent percent watch on prompt supply to the indentors.

Screen Render

Information Related To The Various Screen Readers



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Terms & Conditions

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Organisation Chart

DDG's Desk


The Medical Store Depots were originally established in different parts of the country under the Medical Stores Organization primarily to meet the needs of army units in respect of medicines, surgical equipments and other medical supplies. Subsequently, the services of the depots were made available to civil institutions also. In 1942, the army established its own separate depots and the parent Medical Stores Organisation was transferred to the control of the then Department of Education, Health and Lands(now the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare). Since then the Medical Stores Organisation has been functioning as a subordinate office of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and is being administered through the Directorate General of Health Services.


At present the Medical Stores Organisation consist of 7 Government Medical Store Depots, located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Karnal and New Delhi. The depots at Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai have Chemical Testing Laboratories attached to them to ensure quality of drugs purchased from the firms.

Each Government Medical Store Depot is headed by a Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) (Stores). He is the Principal Executive Officer of the Depot and is responsible to the Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi through MSO (HQ) at New Delhi for efficient administration of the Depot as a whole. GMSDs consist of three key divisions which are the Office Division, Stores Division and Accounts Division.

The Stores Division and the Accounts Division are headed by a Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The Office Division is directly under the charge of DADG whereas in the Store Division and Accounts Division, the direct responsibility for the efficient working of each Division is bestowed upon the Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The DADGs attend to all matters involving Policy, Procedure, Planning and Development apart from his duties as the head of institution. The Depot Manager is assisted in his work by the Assistant Depot Managers and other supporting staff. Individual Store Sections are headed by a Depot Superintendent.

Additional Director General (Stores) is the Head of MSO and reports to Directorate General of Health Services who is supported by two Assistant Director General(ADGs)/ 3 Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) , Deputy Director Administration (DDA), Deputy Director (Accounts) or any other officers assigned the job by the competent authority.

MSO Procurement Functions

MSO Procurement Functions

The Medical Store Depots were originally established in different parts of the country under the Medical Stores Organization primarily to meet the needs of army units in respect of medicines, surgical equipments and other medical supplies. Subsequently, the services of the depots were made available to civil institutions also. In 1942, the army established its own separate depots and the parent Medical Stores Organisation was transferred to the control of the then Department of Education, Health and Lands (now the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare). Since then the Medical Stores Organisation has been functioning as a subordinate office of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and is being administered through the Directorate General of Health Services.

At present the Medical Stores Organisation consist of 7 Government Medical Store Depots, located at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Karnal and New Delhi. The depots at Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai have Chemical Testing Laboratories attached to them to ensure quality of drugs purchased from the firms.

Each Government Medical Store Depot is headed by a Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) (Stores). He is the Principal Executive Officer of the Depot and is responsible to the Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi through MSO (HQ) at New Delhi for efficient administration of the Depot as a whole. GMSDs consist of three key divisions which are the Office Division, Stores Division and Accounts Division.

The Stores Division and the Accounts Division are headed by a Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The Office Division is directly under the charge of DADG whereas in the Store Division and Accounts Division, the direct responsibility for the efficient working of each Division is bestowed upon the Depot Manager and Accounts Officer respectively. The DADGs attend to all matters involving Policy, Procedure, Planning and Development apart from his duties as the head of institution. The Depot Manager is assisted in his work by the Assistant Depot Managers and other supporting staff. Individual Store Sections are headed by a Depot Superintendent.

Additional Director General (Stores) is the Head of MSO and reports to Directorate General of Health Services who is supported by two Assistant Director General(ADGs)/ 3 Deputy Assistant Director General (DADG) , Deputy Director Administration (DDA), Deputy Director (Accounts) or any other officers assigned the job by the competent authority.

The Organizational Chart of MSO at Head Quarter Level and of GMSD at depot level is given in Appendices I and II respectively.

Functions Of MSO

1. Procurement ,storage and supply of medicines, surgical items, medical equipment and other medical supplies/stores required by public health facilities/units across the country as a procurement unit under the Ministry. 2. Receipt, storage and distribution of supplies of drugs and allied stores including various vaccines received from WHO, UNICEF, USAID, DFID and the various international bodies under various bilateral agreements entered into by the Government of India. 3. Storage and issue of stores required under various National Programmes such as National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme(NVBDCP),Reproductive and Child Health(RCH), Tuberculosis(TB), Leprosy, CSSM and Family Welfare undertaken by MOH&FW, GOI. 4. Meeting the emergency requirements of life saving drugs and other allied items in the country, arising out of natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, drought and national calamities 5. Undertaking any such activities as directed by Government of India relating to procurement, storage and distribution of medicines, surgical items, medical equipments and related items. 6. Undertaking supply of medical stores to foreign countries as and when directed by The Govt.Of India (GOI).



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Debarred Firms

S. No. Name Uploaded Date Attachment
1. Guidelines 09-Dec-2022
2. List of Debarment/De-registration of firms 13-Feb-2025

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Debarred Labs

S. No. Name Uploaded Date Attachment
No Record Found

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066



Debarred Products

S. No. Name Uploaded Date Attachment
1. Debarred Drug 13-Feb-2025

Contact Us

Medical Store Organisation West Block No 1, Wing No. 6 R K Puram New Delhi-110066

